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Thread: Ideas for a Custom Boss: Beamos King

  1. #1
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    Ideas for a Custom Boss: Beamos King

    I am making a custom boss. I made a somewhat small room where there's 3 beamos. The one in the middle is like the custom boss and is gold-colored, called the "Beamos King". The other 2 are next to it except i replaced the "Digdogger kid 4" heads with the head of these beamos (grey-colored) While they fly around the room, the Beamos King attacks until you destroy them.

    So far, i have 4 different so-called "attacks" but i want more. What i have so far:

    1) A long beam appears all at once while the BK faces left & moves in an arc from left to right.

    2) Same as above, except the beam appears on the right & moves from right to left.

    3) A smaller beam is quickly shot down the center of the screen & then explodes when it hits the room's edge.

    4) The beamos, still faces down but a beam appears on the side of its eye that extends down & to the left until it hits a mirror, which reflects it to the right, until it hits another mirror, which reflects it back up & to the left. This makes a sort of triangle so Link must run to the center before it hits him.

    Because of random timed warps, these events happen randomly! :)

    I would like more "Beam-related" attacks! I also want to know what should happen after the other Beamos's are defeated.
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  2. #2
    a.k.a. Zephlon Arphanosh Mega Link's Avatar
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    Not A Bug Re: Ideas for a Custom Boss: Beamos King

    The idea of an attack I have in mind is quite complicated. So it depends on how skilled you are. Oh! If you don't want your custom boss to be effected by the [whistle], then don't give it to the character.

    Here is my idea:
    The beamos spins rapidly and shoots a beam in every direction:
    (Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzza aapp)(Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzzaaapp)(Zzzzaaapp)
    (Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppp)

    Now, if you can help me I would appreciate it.
    Edit: Please post your idea where the link leads.

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