Quote Originally Posted by Stecchino View Post
You referring to Terminal? And if so, I have no idea how to use it, but I'll try to search and see how I can use those commands to change the size.

Rakki, I found this article from MacWorld, here's an excerpt:

Set scaling per application
To change only a given application’s scale factor, you just need to use a modified version of the above command. iTunes, for instance, can be scaled down with this command (quit iTunes first):

defaults write com.apple.iTunes AppleDisplayScaleFactor .75

When you launch iTunes, you’ll see the shrunken window as in my screenshot above—assuming you’re using the mini controller. But it’s not just the mini controller that’s been scaled down; every iTunes window, along with its menus, is now at 75 percent of normal size. The only tricky part about setting application-specific scaling is determining the com.apple.iTunes portion of the command. You need to find out what each application names its preferences.
The key here being that it doesn't appear Zelda Classic uses a traditional preferences file (.plist). "Info.plist" is in Zelda Classic package contents -> Contents but that wouldn't seem to work.