Not at all. Actually, we really have to get moving on Level 2. >.>' I feel like we never solidified the plans for level 2. I've got so many copies of them on my hard drive yet I distinctly remember _L_'s winning, yet it still seems a bit ... ... ... what's a good word for it. .. .. .. Abstract.

Good thing I already have a lot of graphics for it all ready. >.> Just hard to make up my mind with a lot of them. If I could start from scratch, it'd be nice, rather than have this ruined embered dusted dungeon/cavern mix/remains motif. Bah. Best start from scratch then. Just the cave walls and rock doors and lava and ice entities.

.. .. .. Oh wait. The conversions from fire to ice will require something unique. ... Okay. Got it. We'll use NoeL's Ice Temple walls, and I'll fix up a unique copy of them for the Melted Fire Cavern Walls.


How utterly and completely bizarre. > <. Oh mindfuck. Mindfuck... I pity those who can read minds and are reading mine right now...