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Thread: [OLD] Information and Rules on Screenshot of the Week

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    [OLD] Information and Rules on Screenshot of the Week

    Yes, you read correctly: AGN is starting our own Screenshot of the Week contest!

    Basic Rules

    1.) Obey all AGN rules. Pretty self-evident.

    2.) Be constructive in your criticism. Avoid both, "Wow, that sucks!" and, "Wow, that's awesome!"

    3.) Get your submissons in on time. Otherwise they'll be added to the pool for the week after.

    4.) Make sure your images are hosted by a good site. Photobucket is pretty good. If you don't want an account with some site, just e-mail it to one of us.

    5.) All screenshots must be directly taken out of Zelda Classic. This is to ensure that they have a legal number of colors and so that we don't get screenshots taken from ZQuest. Try to keep your screenshot size to Zelda Classic's standard 256x224.

    6.) We'll accept just about any file format. However, note that GIFs and PNGs are, by far, the best.


    Please send submissions to the member known as "SotW". Just click [here] to submit your screenshot to the correct user name.

    Submission Information

    Within your personal message, please have the following:

    Title: Please include SotW and the # of the week you're submitting for. For example, if there is a poll for SotW 35 currently going on, and you want your screenshot to be on the next ballot, make the PM title "SotW 36".

    Body: Please include either the image itself with [img] and [/img] tags, or a link with [url] and [/url] tags. Also, if you wish, you may include a short caption along with the screenshot (maximum 50 words).

    And most importantly, have fun!
    Last edited by SUCCESSOR; 11-21-2012 at 09:31 PM.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.