
Ah, Placolyte. This marvellous item is distilled from magical flowers, and assists Link when he drinks it from his bottle. It may call forth memories of Picolyte, but Placolyte is a slightly different wonder.

The price is just right for something as nice as Placolyte!

Placolyte comes in two varieties: red and blue. As the red variety is more expensive, its effects are much more powerful than those of the blue variety. But that's not to say that the blue variety still isn't worthwhile.

You can tell that it's in effect because Link is surrounded by coloured sparkles.

What exactly does Placolyte do? Well, um, it is a secret. But rest assured that it is quite marvellous, and that I have completely implemented it. The only way to experience it is to use it yourself and see how it helps you.

But... it does do something, right?