Recently this week I had an accident where two of the boss scripts I was working on recently were disturbingly deleted from all existence. It was a heart-wrenching situation that required my full attention, So, in lieu of a more tangible and elucidating update, I present the following exhibit: some dumb enemies that you'll have to reduce to ribbons.

Stalfos Knight
I wonder whether these piles of bones can be powderised with a hammer hit or a bomb blast.
Speaking of which, if you break their shields with your hammer, then they'll rise again with new shields. Clearly, the magic that animates them is quite capricious.

Patra Cross
It is my commitment that each non-scripted variety of Patra appears but once.

Healer Wizzrobe

Yes, it was that hooded fiend!
This final enemy's special ability may be obscure if you don't have the Hero's Charm.