Heyho. :)

My idea is:
Screen "A" has five Rope-enemies.
After beating the enmies Link will warp to screen B (Enemies->Secret; warp-combos)
Screen "B" looks like Screen "A", but there are four Leever-enemies, insteed of the Ropes.
So the player should think, he is in the same screen. Only the enemies are different.

The problem is that the items (dropped by the enemies) disappear after warping.
When I tick the screenflag "Sprites carry over in warps", the items carry over, but the leever-enemies in Screen "B" don't appear.
In another forum, a meber told me to tick the screenflag "enemies always return" in both screens. But there is still the same problem.

So my question is, how I can fix my problem.

I'm using 2.5 RC1

Details to my screen:

> On every walkable combo is Flag 16 (wich changes to a "sensiteve warp"-combo after beating the enemies)
> On every solid combo is Flag 96 ("No Enemies"-flag)
> It's an Overworld-map
> Screenflags, wich are ticked: "Sprites carry over in warps", "enemies always return", "Enemies->Secret" & "sensitive warps are direct"

Can anybody help me please? :)

(Ps.: It's not the fault of the leever-type-enemies. I tried it with other enemie-types too)

(Sorry for my bad english)