mrz84 asked a question about the format in the original thread that generated an idea. (Visit the thread, there's a new poll there also.)

For rounds 50-100, instead of the hints system, should we attempt a yes/no 20 questions type system? Basically, a user could ask a question but couldn't post another question until another user asked a question first.

Example: Round 50 -- ZC

Member A - Is it the name of a quest?
ST - No.
Member B - Is it an item from the game?
c-a-d - No.
User A or C - Is it a developer?
c-a-d - Yes.

Tada, victory.

Reasons to try new format:

1. To prevent staleness.
2. Activity other than myself and ST posting hints.
3. Prevents myself and ST from having to dedicate so much time to making hints themselves.

This change is in no way permanent. We can revert back to the other format if the new way doesn't seem to work or to change things up again. Or, we can try new formats, again to keep things fresh.

Questions, comments, concerns?