I.. umm... sorta shit-canned the entire scripting engine... yeah. >_>

The reason was because it wasn't productive enough, period. Things like LUA and angelscript are great so long as the scripts are only responsible for doing specialized tasks and logic. That, and binding and creating the script API, both c++ side and script side, was taking up too much time. Angelscript worked great for my last side-project, but for a large project with this kind of scope you really need a more serious solution--well, that or some serious man power. Since I have zero additional man-power in this scenario it was actually a pretty easy call to scrap the whole thing for something better.

So what's better? -Embedded C# is better. There's also a lot of potential support for other languages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CLI_languages
This is in fact pretty much exactly what Unity3D does, and the .NET framework already has a shit ton of utility classes and containers ready to go without any fuss, so once the initial cost of set-up is out of the way it's smooth sailing.

The benefits as I see them are:
-Scripts can compile directly into machine code and would be almost as fast as c++. Can also be AOT compiled.
-Maintain portability; Works for x86, X64, and ARM.
-Large framework, with the ability to simply drop-in code off the web. eg., XNA, or use 3rd party libraries.
-Easy to write with an entire interwebs worth of reference material.
-Existing tools for integrated development environment such as Visual Studio, MonoDevelop; also some lightweight ones as well.
-Debugging support through Mono, or perhaps directly debugging through an additional assembly layer (have to think about this).
-I might actually work on it more.

-Initial setup time.


I'll probably just throw together either a Tetris or Galaga clone for fun in order to test everything out.