What's this?! A Fangame Thread? And SRB2 isn't in here?! Sacrilege!

SRB2 (Or Sonic Robo Blast 2, if you insist), is an attempt to create a game that feels closer to the series traditional platforming roots in the Doom Engine.

And it does so pretty well. The game is fantastic. Especially after their most recent big update. They revamped a lot of the old levels, and turned the old special stages into NiGHTS Into Dreams gameplay. It's a blast.

And if you're into multiplayer, it can do that. You can play online/LAN/Splitscreen either in a race or Co-op though the main story (and yes, Tails can still airlift Sonic), and there's also FPS deathmatch and CTF modes where you hurl various types of rings at each other.

Finally, there's a great mod community for it. I just recently poked around in the mod section and found not only a level select mod that basically IS a level, but I also found a character who changes abilities completely at random on every respawn, which is a lot of fun for a veteran player like me.

It's here:

Also, do RPGmaker games count?

Because I wouldn't mind plugging my own game in there. XD

Quote Originally Posted by mitsymckenzie777 View Post
I scanned this thread and noticed no one mentioned the fan game Super Mario Bros. Crossover I could be wrong but here is the link.
Ohh, that's a pretty fun one too.