OK great. That helps a bunch.
-Items are treated like spells. (what I originally had).. (Item usages I should say)
-Added Sprite lists for weapons, misc, and effects. (Gui sprite list?)
-Adding SpriteSets for NPCs, Players...

Keep em' coming.

BattleActions are no problem. The BattleEngine will have queues for actions, events, messages, and Battles; the hard part is the GUI.
Buffs are strange... I don't know if these should just be a list for each battler or not. For example:
-Cast Temper on monk.(cheap ass spell)
-atk + 10;
-Cast temper.
-atk + 10??? (to stack, or not to stack, that is the question)
-Cast Dispell....
This is one example but there are far more 'grey area' effects, like buffs that last for an amount of time (condemn, or reflect) for example. I'm sure this is very confusing in the ROM, but we don't have the limitations of memory here. The best solution would be the most extensible and easy to use.

Also worth merit is whether or not Items in an Inventory are referencing an Item, or create their own instance of an item. There are important distinctions here;
with 1) It is simpler, but the item is effectively read-only. You cannot create a "Item Forging" (or whatever) script. (not easily anyway)
with 2) Can get complicated fast, and breaks most FF-style inventories unless implemented from the start.
(I do #1 right now)

This is why I need to finish most of the low and mid-level interface code before starting on logic. Otherwise it will turn into a mess where the higher level logical code starts having to implement all kinds of random stuff that it shouldn't even be dealing with, which leads to bugs.

..What else?