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Thread: Quests needed for feature length Zelda documentary -

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    Gel joegtake2's Avatar
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    Quests needed for feature length Zelda documentary -

    Greetings, everyone. We are currently working on a feature length documentary film project about the ubiquity and cultural influence of the Legend of Zelda franchise. It is truly a project about those once inspired by the games who have gone on to create their own tributes, both big and small...from the full length (and unfortunately, cancelled) feature film based on Ocarina of Time to the touring Symphony of the Goddesses where long time Zelda fans got to work with Kuji Kondo to arrange a four movement symphony based on Zelda music to many personal fan a lot more. Secrets, surprises, adventure...hopefully a documentary film worthy of being part of the Zelda universe.

    As someone who once dabbled with Zelda Classic a very long time ago (turn of the Millennium), I know for certain that some of you have put so much into your quests. I would like to be able to showcase your efforts in this documentary. Plus, as enthusiastic fans of the games, I hope that this documentary will be something that you will enjoy!

    While we haven't launched promotion for the project yet, we are inviting anyone from Zelda Classic who wants to be involved to be among the first to visit our Facebook site, which has a few teaser images from our filmic adventure thus far. Please feel free to repost it to any and all Zelda and retro gaming fans that you know, and LIKE it for updates as we move forward. It is also possible that if you happen to be in our path where we'll be filming, we may wish to interview you if you'd be interested.

    If you'd like your quest featured, please contact us through the Facebook site! And thank you very much, creators of ZC and moderators, for helping get the word out to an amazing group of fans.

    Joe G


    Please also feel free to contact me through the forums here as well. In order to contact us through the Facebook site, you likely have to LIKE the film. If you don't have your own FB account or would rather contact me through here about including your quest in this project, that would be fine as well! I will gladly respond to both.

    Thanks for the interest, everyone!
    Last edited by joegtake2; 03-12-2013 at 08:52 AM.

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    Hey there!, Welcome to the forums. :) I have some suggestions for your film.

    Molka -
    Hero of Dreams -
    I Am Bored -
    The Legend of Zelda: Ages -

    And I don't know if you want it but the worst game ever made...
    Mario Quest -

    Really I wouldn't recommend playing that ^^ at all

  3. #3
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    the Legend of Mario - Mario's Insane Rampage. Not only was this among some of the first "theme quests" which were actually memorable, but it has a sense of humor as dark as it is robust. Even if most quests didn't literally make you laugh out loud, this one could get to you, either with the graphics, concepts, or just the dialogue. Hearing the Zelda secret jingle when you blow up a Toad and visibly scatter his entrails across the ground is an experience that has to be seen to be believed.

    (the very first theme quest is widely believed to be a Metroid quest by Exate which likely is no longer even in the database. Most of his old quests are hosted personally by him, and this one he probably didn't care too much for. However, do check out his *other* Metroid quests if you have the time. Wow.)
    VEL is the author of this quest, but like many questmakers nowadays, she is difficult to get a hold of. It's not even known if she has internet access.

    Megaman: Doctor Wily's Revenge: Director's Cut. Yeah yeah it's another theme quest, but also very worthy of consideration, as it skirts the possibilities of Zelda classic through simple manipulation of physics to create things like cutscenes and even certain puzzles. Sure, a lot of these tricks are common knowledge among even intermediate questmakers nowadays, but this quest was the pioneer, and put those tricks to such expansive use, it almost feels like a different game. For a Megaman themed quest, especially one in the classic series (Megaman 1-10), it's a dark, angsty quest on par with some of the X series. This does the quest a lot of good from an adventure standpoint, as, both literally and metaphorically, things get darker and scarier the deeper you dig.

    Peteo spends most of his time on PureZC. He's not terribly common, but if you try to contact him, I'm sure he'll eventually shout back.

    Prepare Yourself: Some quests like to break the mold and rewrite the rules. Prepare Yourself presents to the player a much more open-ended approach to their adventure than normal: Rather than block off access to the final dungeon until the triforce is reassembled, the final dungeon is local and accessible right from the start. The only thing you won't find in it that is absolutely necessary to beat the game is the bow. Other than that, it is up to the player to assess their own skill and determine how much extra questing they need to do.

    Old-Skool spends most of his ZC time on Armageddon Games, writing posts recommending quests for a documentary. *runs* Yeah sorry to toot my own horn, but there aren't a lot of quests that rearrange the norm like that (I think Dodge the Arrows might count, despite being about 15 seconds long.)
    Last edited by King Aquamentus; 03-12-2013 at 06:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Gel joegtake2's Avatar
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    Thanks so much guys! This helps a lot! The more info the better, and I'm very much looking forward to playing these games as 'research' for the project!

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    Quote Originally Posted by King Aquamentus View Post
    the Legend of Mario - Mario's Insane Rampage. Not only was this among some of the first "theme quests" which were actually memorable, but it has a sense of humor as dark as it is robust. Even if most quests didn't literally make you laugh out loud, this one could get to you, either with the graphics, concepts, or just the dialogue. Hearing the Zelda secret jingle when you blow up a Toad and visibly scatter his entrails across the ground is an experience that has to be seen to be believed.

    (the very first theme quest is widely believed to be a Metroid quest by Exate which likely is no longer even in the database. Most of his old quests are hosted personally by him, and this one he probably didn't care too much for. However, do check out his *other* Metroid quests if you have the time. Wow.)
    VEL is the author of this quest, but like many questmakers nowadays, she is difficult to get a hold of. It's not even known if she has internet access.

    Megaman: Doctor Wily's Revenge: Director's Cut. Yeah yeah it's another theme quest, but also very worthy of consideration, as it skirts the possibilities of Zelda classic through simple manipulation of physics to create things like cutscenes and even certain puzzles. Sure, a lot of these tricks are common knowledge among even intermediate questmakers nowadays, but this quest was the pioneer, and put those tricks to such expansive use, it almost feels like a different game. For a Megaman themed quest, especially one in the classic series (Megaman 1-10), it's a dark, angsty quest on par with some of the X series. This does the quest a lot of good from an adventure standpoint, as, both literally and metaphorically, things get darker and scarier the deeper you dig.

    Peteo spends most of his time on PureZC. He's not terribly common, but if you try to contact him, I'm sure he'll eventually shout back.

    Prepare Yourself: Some quests like to break the mold and rewrite the rules. Prepare Yourself presents to the player a much more open-ended approach to their adventure than normal: Rather than block off access to the final dungeon until the triforce is reassembled, the final dungeon is local and accessible right from the start. The only thing you won't find in it that is absolutely necessary to beat the game is the bow. Other than that, it is up to the player to assess their own skill and determine how much extra questing they need to do.

    Old-Skool spends most of his ZC time on Armageddon Games, writing posts recommending quests for a documentary. *runs* Yeah sorry to toot my own horn, but there aren't a lot of quests that rearrange the norm like that (I think Dodge the Arrows might count, despite being about 15 seconds long.)
    Who is old-skool?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ctrl-alt-delete View Post
    Who is old-skool?
    He is.

    I'd recommend throwing a C-Dawg quest into the mix also. Something like Sabotage Dragoon or Zodiac can't miss.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    He is.

    I'd recommend throwing a C-Dawg quest into the mix also. Something like Sabotage Dragoon or Zodiac can't miss.
    Nobody is catching my sarcasm on the internet today...guess I'll just go kill myself.

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    Lost Isle ( is probably the most popular Zelda Classic quest out there at the moment, and for good reason. It has a vast overworld, filled with treasures, secrets, and labyrinths (some mandatory, some hidden). Each screen has an immense amount of detail put into it, and, while challenging, it really channels the spirit of the early Zelda games which many of the more recent Zelda titles don't quite seem to capture.

    Zodiac ( was a side-scrolling game built a few years ago using the features Zelda Classic offers. While it isn't a Zelda game, per se, it takes a lot of inspiration from the franchise and was built using the Zelda Classic engine. It's a very creative undertaking and feels like a mix between Guardian Legend, Metroid, and Cave Story in gameplay, with about twelve labyrinths (not all of which were finished, unfortunately) and items that feel like they came straight from the first Zelda game.

    Zelda Classic Gauntlet ( is another interesting quest, and if you want to see novel things done with the Zelda 1 concept, this is probably a game that accomplishes this goal best. The game takes the original Zelda dungeons, as well as a few new ones, and puts them all together into a single massive multi-floor labyrinth, with each "floor" being a set of dungeons (so, the dungeons from the "first quest" of Zelda 1 are on the first floor, while the dungeons from the "second quest" are on the next floor down. After that, the dungeons become completely custom). The catch is, rather than playing as everyone's favorite elven green-capped hero, the quest allows you to make your own Zelda-tized avatar and attack the dungeons, leveling up by slaying enemies and using these points to upgrade abilities (so, rather than getting heart containers, you can use skill points obtained from leveling up to upgrade your health capacity instead). There are also a huge number of items available (seven floors + nine dungeons per floor + two items per dungeon = ~ 126 items), from Zelda of yore (such as bombchus, the fire boomerang, or the fairy Master Sword from Link to the Past), and many custom items as well.

    To the Top ( also can't go without mention. Whereas the other games I've mentioned so far have sort of branched off into their own sort of game, so to speak, To the Top goes to great lengths captures that Zelda 1 atmosphere, but it adds a spark of creativity that enables the game to meet (and at times, even surpass) the already high standards of its source of inspiration. The entire game takes place in a tower, which at first are like typical Zelda 1 dungeons. The catch is, each floor possesses its own gimmick. Once higher floors are reached, however, the system begins to expand beyond its Zelda 1 barrier (as you should be able to see from the screenshots) and become a very challenging, very creative love letter to the true spirit of the Zelda series. Of all the quests I've named, this is probably my favorite and the one I most highly recommend.

    Hope these help.

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    *hands CAD a rope and a chair*

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    IfIgetaPMaskingtoclarifyifI'mbeingseriousaboutsome thinglikethatIswear...

    Dreams of Yesterday is another quest held in fairly high regard. On a lot of levels I wouldn't call it particularly innovative, but it uses many of the same kinds of tricks as the above mentioned Megaman quest, and overall makes for a fairly large and adventurous game, much like Link to Tortuga (which is equally worthy as this.)
    Last edited by King Aquamentus; 03-13-2013 at 05:45 PM.

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    I just want to note that Lost Isle and Hero of Dreams are possibly the most well known quests out there. I would also like to second Link to Tortuga and Dreams of Yesterday being featured, as well as Link's Birthday DX.

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