Wow, I am really glad you guys like the shot so much. It is actually one of the earliest shots I made with EZGBZ when I was experimenting with grabbing, recoloring and editing tiles. I actually dropped the idea because of my disappointment with how it was turning out or possibly my lack of will to put in the effort it would take to make it look the way I wanted it to. I may be overly critical of my own shots but I entered this shot expecting to get blasted with criticism.

@NewJourneysFire I really like the shot. I find the choice of details interesting and well put together. The only thing I don't care for so much is the combination of lots of white and lots of shadows. It makes the shot look a little too bleak. I think if you went a little more light-handed with the shadows you could create the same atmosphere without overburdening the screen. This has to be one of my favorite shots you have entered.