Yeah, this is why I realized that status effects, passives, and states needed to be separate - 20 status effects would be a lot, but you could have literally hundreds of passive abilities and states. The disambiguation I used is status attacks can have a to-hit and defend rate as a variable attribute. It's still a bit messy but it's workable.

How are you with rpg maker? If you can imagine the Battler class it's likely to be similar to that. The scripting is in and works great but I haven't had time to work on any of the scripts. What's there is just the most basic shell around the cpp code so far. Example:

If you want to help design or script the base script classes you're welcome to try.
...Of course I really need to get a GUI in first. Thank god I already got in bitmap fonts and put together a good looking FF1 GBA font. Right now time is the enemy.