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    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    5th Quest Voting Time!

    [edit] WIP. I'll edit this later. Post a separate thread or PM me if you have any questions.

    Sorry for taking so long guys. I should have done this a few months ago. Anyway, it's time to start wrapping this contest up. The main problem here is we've had 17 total quest entries, and to top it all off at least half of them were pretty freaking good. So we've got to narrow it down a bit, preferably to the top 3 quests, although a top 6 would be no skin off my nose.

    Note: This is not a poll. You must physically rate any quests you have played in order for your vote to count. You can also review or give thoughts on any particular quest, which is always nice for authors to read, though it is not required.

    Obviously you can only rate quests that you've actually played--please don't abuse this privilege, so state how much of the quest you've fared, preferably in terms of levels since this is usually fairly uniform (dungeons will typically get larger as level increases anyway). For continuity and ease of tallying let's keep the rating in base 10--for example 9.7 out of 10, or 97 out of 100 would be fine. At the very least we need an "overall" rating, however component ratings are very welcome. These might be:

    NES Consistency:
    Fun/Intangibles Factor:
    Difficulty Curve/Consistency:
    Overall [required]

    You may use whatever rating system that best suites you personally, though please use the same rating system for each and every quest that you've played.

    It is also not necessary to score minor bugs (such as blank under-combos for instance) since these will be--and may have already been--fixed before final release, so as a general rule you can simply omit them unless there were somehow an astonishingly egregious amount that affected playability. Entrants were allowed to fix minor issues after all, so you may have played an earlier revision of the quest than everyone else.

    All entrants are assumed to of given a prefect score of 100 to their own quests, so voting for one's self is not necessary (This effectively cancels each other out). You may however override that score with something else if you so wish, but it is not necessary to simply rate your own quest.

    Disclaimer: No shenanigans. No proxy or double voting. New users with a post count of zero will not be counted unless of course you are a standing member of the purezc community.
    Last edited by Gleeok; 07-01-2014 at 03:46 AM.
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

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