I don't know if you're still around Mischa after 7 years or so but please respond if you are. I just finished playing your quest with 37 deaths after 22 hours without seeing any walkthrough or using any cheats. I must say, I love your smart sense of design and I can understand why things are done the way they are in your quest. I would have made the same design decisions if I was making the quest myself.

In particular, I really like your sense of challenge. Early levels were tough but nothing to sweat about but things really started ramping up once I hit level 5. It was absolutely brutal but very balanced at expert difficulty level and it kept me on my toes all the time. I missed the red ring in level 8 and managed to do most of level 9 without it and that was a *real* challenge. Definitely my choice for 5th quest but sadly it wasn't chosen. Challenge quests like your one don't tend to be liked very much.