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Thread: [Sprites] Diagonal Link (Classic)

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    [Sprites] Diagonal Link (Classic)

    At @SUCCESSOR 's request, I have created a series of diagonal sprites for Classic Link.

    You may use these sprites for cutscenes, or perhaps with some script that allows for custom animation at diagonals (I wrote such a script a long time ago which used Link Tile Modifiers to achieve the effect; it's also possible that you can overlay an FFC on top of Link to utilize these or even dummy an enemy on top of him and use the enemy's animation pattern to handle the eight direction movement.

    These sprites may be used and modified freely without permission or credits, but please do not claim that you drew them yourself.

    The standard set of Classic Link tiles are included for reference, and are property of Nintendo.
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    Last edited by CJC; 08-23-2014 at 08:43 PM. Reason: update attachment

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