
I am ready to publish a brand new 8-bit quest, and I am curious what type of interest is out there for this type of game. I've actually customized the entire outer-world as well as the basic nine dungeons, so it's practically a brand new traditional "Legend of Zelda" quest. I've customized everything from enemies to even the music within the game, and I've given it three full run-throughs in an attempt to ensure the game is challenging and without glitches.

So here's my question: are there players out there who love the original NES style quest and want to get their hands on a new quest like this? I grew up playing LoZ on my regular NES in the late 1980s. My goal was basically to replicate the fun of the game by staying as true as possible to the 1980s game, but that didn't stop me from putting a new touch on some enemies to make the game a bit more challenging as you climb the levels in an attempt to save Zelda.

In my opinion, the ideal demographic for this game would be someone in their mid-30s, but anybody who loves the regular NES style game would enjoy playing it!

Send me a message if this game is up your alley, as I'm looking for a beta-tester prior to publication!
