Or possibly a better thread title whenever I think of one.

[...] Let's just skip all the formalities for now until I edit them in later. [...]

Please give our final contestants a round of applause.

Chris Miller
Mischa Petya
Love For Fire
Hero Of Fire

As you may all know, the winner of this contest gets to be the first ever contestant in a brand new reality TV show filmed live in front of a live studio audience for cash prizes and toasters: The Running Man. It's like a 3D version of Smash TV where you only get one life! All right! Yeah, let's go!

Voting is simple: You don't have score any categories or quests since only one can win; just pick the one you think is best. At the very least you will have to write up a little something as to why you picked 'X' quest over the remaining 'Y', and at the most you can write an entire essay if that;s what you want.