Been a while and I finally got around to updating LoH:IE based on the feedback of a handful of expert challenge quest players. I'm 99% sure that this will be my director's cut unless there's something very wrong with it that I didn't pick up during testing. If you're a fan on LoH:IE then the updated version should be in your inbox right now. I'm here incase anyone got a copy of LoH:IE second-hand and wanted the final version. In that case you should get in touch with me via my email.

I should remind people once again that LoH:IE is an experts-only quest and if you don't possess the requisite playing ability then you should not be playing it. Manifestation of expert playing ability is completion of AQ and the original LoH. Failure to heed this will result in a very distressing and frustrating playing experience. Some of the changes are pictured below and if you don't like what you see then kindly leave this thread right now:

List of major changes (not all, some minor changes I probably forgotten):
Fortress 1 - You cannot hide in the door whilst fighting the blue darknut.
Fortress 2 - The 1 (possibly 2 if you're really challenged) heart and wooden sword on ice vs 10 red darknut room has been added. The room of 4 teleporting wizzrobes has been buffed to 5 teleporting wizzrobes. You can no longer hide in the door whilst fighting 10 mummies. The room of 10 gels has been nerfed so that rocks no longer fall. Blue crab boss fight redesigned.
Fortress 3 - The 3 hearts and wooden sword vs 3 blue wizzrobes room has been added. In the money gathering section, you may no longer gamble infinitely, reenter rooms nor hide in doorways.
Fortress 4 - Fire gleeok fight redesigned, plus no hookshot for spiked dodongo room. Bat wizzrobe room nerfed so James can use his sword. New superdarknut room.
Fortress 5 - Hookshot can only be acquired once you have the mirror shield to prevent stunning wizzrobes with it in fortress 6.
Rafting/Training - Rewards reduced to a HCP not a full HC - so James will only have 14 hearts max for the whole game.
Fortress 6 - Buying health is now a lot more expensive.
Fortress 7 - Buying health is now a lot more expensive. Gamble room added.
Fortress 8 - You can no longer bypass the first part of the patra room by going to the bottom left corner. Health shop added.
Fortress 9 - Spiked dodongo room nerfed to 4 dodongos since only 14 heatlh max.