Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
what defines a type b quest @James24 im curious i want to make my own
Type B (by my understanding) games would be something like Dark Souls, Ikaruga, or even RPGs with extreme difficulty modes, etc.; type B ZC quests would be in the range of Armageddon Quest and Liberation of Hyrule on one end, Zodiac and IOR somewhere in there, and some Nightmare quests and my owns quests at the other end somewhere. Since ZC quests are made by one person in their spare time most of the effort of "type-B" quests usually goes into trying to challenge the player in various ways rather than tell a story or create beautiful looking screens. ..Although C-Dawg manages to do all three of these which makes him a fucking legend.

Of course no one ever referred to these things strictly as type A or B as an absolute spectrum before James24 introduced them as such, which may be why he gets so much shit for it.