Made a few modifications today that allow you to better control the way you view dates and times around here. If you take a look at your options you should see a few new settings. Two of them are text fields, Date Format and Time Format. What you enter here will affect how dates and times are displayed for you all over the board (except for a few places where the formats are meant to be displayed a certain way). shows you all of the recognized values for these two fields.

Some examples:

Date Format: M jS
Time Format: g:iA
Feb 3rd 2:37AM

Date Format: ymd
Time Format: Hi
030203 0237

Date Format: Y.z
Time Format: @B
2003.33 @359

Date Format: n/j/y
Time Format: G:i.s
2/3/03 2:37.13

Get it? Good.

The other new option you'll find is the ability to turn off the Today/Yesterday displays. Even if you're using your own customized date format, Today's date and Yesterday's date will still be replaced by "Today" and "Yesterday" by default. So if you don't like that, you can now turn it off.

Oh yeah, and I extended the Today/Yesterday functionality just a bit as well. Now dates between a week ago and the day before yesterday will show up as the day of the week if you have Today/Yesterday enabled. So posts made on February 1st (today is Monday the 3rd, if you're reading this long after it was posted ) will show up as "Saturday." Posts made on January 28th will show up as "Tuesday." Posts made on January 27th will show up as "01-27-2003" (or in whatever format you've specified for the date )

Anyway, that was just a little something extra I thought would be nifty. I probably won't be adding the ability to turn it off though, because it's pretty well integrated into the Today/Yesterday code. It's all or nothing.