We have a whole slew of new features coming out for the next version of ZC. Unfortunately, adding a bunch of notes inside a help document will onyl go so far in showing new users what's possible with all these changes. Thus, why PM originally made Demo Quest, and why Warlock made newfirst.

So the request is simple: would someone who has the time and energy be willing to create an example quest highlighting all the cool new features of ZC as they come out? It doesn't have to be original, you can just open bs_test.qst and mess around with it however you like. Me and DN could easily make small test quests to demonstrate newer features we make, but a completable, unified display of everything that's possible would go a long way at making the new version of ZC the best it can be. There's no urgency, as release is still dependant on how quickly we work, but I'm willing to see ideas from interested ones.