Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Johnamus
Let's call it a magic transport box!
How about, using the RSCOs, we could make it where when you activate a thing in a room, the elevator to a different floor in another room becomes active?
Yeah, magic transport box. Gee, that sounds SO creative. Sorry about the sarcasm. I couldn't resist. I'm not sure if we should have to "activate" any elevators by Room State Carryovers. Since there's now TWO types of Normal Key, we can have the regular key (Key (Normal)) be a "special" key that unlocks certain things, but in this case, it's the Elevator/Lift key (lift is a better word for the thing in OoT's Forest Temple), and touching the slot to put it in will open the elevator/lift! The key could look like a normal key or a Card Key, whichever you want.