Neo Hyrule, version 0.9. (Not complete yet. I'm thinking of leaving the L2 and L3 surrounding areas to the discretion of the person designing those dungeons.)

And here's a labelled one with important areas and items marked.

* The King of Thieves' cave is actually behind the marked building.
* Amicus Palace can be entered at any time, but you'll need to purchase your own door keys when you're inside.
* Fort Aquatius requires a Boomerang and the Raft to enter.
* Copse Labyrinth requires the Power Bracelet to enter.
* The Power Bracelet requires the Bow and Arrow.
* The Bow and Arrow are being sold in a shop in Hyle Town.
* The Endless Desert is a maze room, but will use a script to procedurally generate different terrain combinations each time you enter it.
* The Witch's Grotto and the Sand Labyrinth can only be accessed by the Whistle's whirlwind.
* I'm not completely satisfied with how the castle went. Methinks it lacks a certain amount of Epicness.
* Life's End doesn't have any secrets.
* The names aren't necessarily fixed. (I know that the mountain town's name is probably not going to be Darunia.)
