To follow up the exceeingly simple enemy_ghost idea, I'll be posting enemy movement patterns as I code them. Put these codes on the invisible FFC that your custom boss FFCs are linked to.

This one makes the enemy hop around the room (ala Hardman in MM3).

// ============================================
// hop_around - This script is designed to script a hopping enemy
// in a sideview area.  The FFC will target the player's location, 
// then hop into the air and fall on that location. 
// D0 - The speed at which the enemy moves.
// D1 - The delay before each hop.
// D2 - Drop delay (the time the enemy will take to get to the 
// drop location, and wait there.  If this value is too small, the
// enemy will drop before getting above the player.  If it is too
// large, the enemy will hang in the air before dropping.
// D3 - The height the enemy jumps to before falling.
// D4 - The Y value of the floor of the room
// ===========================================

ffc script hop_around{

	void run (int speed, int hop_delay, int drop_delay, int height, int floor_level){

		int state = 0;		// The state of this hopper
					// 0 = resting
					// 1 = hopping

		int hdelay_counter = hop_delay;		// Counters
		int ddelay_counter = drop_delay;		

		int target_x;		// Stores the player's x location at the start of a hop
		int target_y;		// Stores the player's y location at the start of a hop

			if(state == 0){
				if(hdelay_counter <= 0){
					state = 1;
					hdelay_counter = hop_delay;
					ddelay_counter = drop_delay;
					target_x = Link->X;
					target_y = Link->Y - height;
					if(this->Y > floor_level){
						this->Vy = 0;
						this->Vx = 0;
						this->Vy = speed;
						this->Vx = 0;
			} // end of state 0

			if(state == 1){

				if(ddelay_counter >= 0){
					if(this->X < target_x){ this->Vx = speed; }
					if(this->X > target_x){ this->Vx = -speed; }
					if(this->Y < target_y){ this->Vy = speed; }
					if(this->Y > target_y){ this->Vy = -speed; }
					state = 0;
			} // end of state 1


		} // end of while loop
	} // end of void run
} // end of ffc script