This script requires two FFCs. The first is the "gun," which fires whenever Link is within target range. The second is the "projectile." You tell the FFC (using D0-7) which directions you want the gun to fire in. When Link is lined up in those directions, the "gun" FFC changes to the next ffc (gun animation) and the projectile zips out. Make the projectile a damage combo for a weapon, or maybe a warp or trigger combo for other effects.

Some of the variables are hard-coded (but can be changed by a designer, of course.)

This script works perfectly well on a MOVING FFC, although it has to be linked to another FFC that is actually running a moving script.

Best part is - multiple guns on the same screen work FINE. (Each needs their own projectile, though)

The omnidirectional firing bit doesn't work correctly yet.

// ===================================
// gun - This FFC will act as a gun.  The user
// specifies which direction the gun will fire.  When
// the player is lined up with the proper direction,
// the gun will briefly switch to the next combo.  
// It will move the projectile FFC to its location, and 
// send it outwards in the proper direction.  Projectiles will
// be blocked by solid combos on layer 0.
// D0 = delay between shots.
// D1 = FFC number of the projectile combo
// D2 = FFC number of this combo (necessary to overcome problems
//      with the "this->" function in ZCb2.15
// D3 = 1 if the gun can shoot north
// D4 = 1 if the gun can shoot south
// D5 = 1 if the gun can shoot east
// D6 = 1 if the gun can shoot west
// D7 = 1 if the gun is omnidirectional (meaning it will
// fire at angles, regardless of where the player is.)
// If you make the projectile move too fast, it may zip off
// of the screen before the script can save it.  Keep the speed under
// 16 to prevent this.
// There are not enough Data variables to specify
// the speed of the projectile, sound effects, and the time the gun spends in it's
// "shooting" animation.  To modify these variables, you need to change
// the values loaded into "projectile_speed," "sound," and "firing_delay" below.
// ==========================================

ffc script gun{

	void run(int shot_delay, int projectile_ffc_number, int this_ffc_number, int shoots_north,
		int shoots_south, int shoots_east, int shoots_west, int omnidirectional){

		int gun_state = 0;	// 0 = primed and waiting for the player to come in range.
					// 1 = firing 
					// 2 = waiting 
		int projectile_speed = 4; // Hard-coded speed of projectile.

		int firing_delay = 20;	// Hard-coded delay while gun animation plays. Counter for state 1.
		int delay_counter = shot_delay;	// Counter for state 2.

        int side_A; int side_B; int side_C;       // Used to calculate the angle in an omnidirectional gun.

		ffc projectile = Screen->LoadFFC(projectile_ffc_number);

		ffc this_ffc = Screen->LoadFFC(this_ffc_number);

		int sound = 26;

		while (true){

			if (gun_state == 0){

				if ( (shoots_north == 1) && (Link->X < this_ffc->X+16) && (Link->X > this_ffc->X-1) && (Link->Y < this_ffc->Y)){
					projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
					projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
					projectile->Vy = -projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vx = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if ( (shoots_south == 1) && (Link->X < this_ffc->X+16) && (Link->X > this_ffc->X-1) && (Link->Y > this_ffc->Y)){
					projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
					projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
					projectile->Vy = projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vx = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if ( (shoots_east == 1) && (Link->Y < this_ffc->Y+16) && (Link->Y > this_ffc->Y-1) && (Link->X > this_ffc->X)){
					projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
					projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
					projectile->Vx = projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vy = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	
				if ( (shoots_west == 1) && (Link->Y < this_ffc->Y+16) && (Link->Y > this_ffc->Y-1) && (Link->X < this_ffc->X)){
					projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
					projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
					projectile->Vx = -projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vy = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if(omnidirectional == 1){
					 // First, check to see if the player is linked up vertically with the gun.  Need to do this
 					// because, otherwise, the angle checking code will divide by zero OH SHI

					if(Link->X == this_ffc->X){
				   		if ( Link->Y > this_ffc->Y){
								projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
								projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
								projectile->Vy = projectile_speed;
								projectile->Vx = 0;
								gun_state = 1;	
								projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
								projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;
								projectile->Vy = -projectile_speed;
								projectile->Vx = 0;
								gun_state = 1;	
					// If not, calculate the angle to move the shooter.

						side_A = this_ffc->Y - Link->Y; // length of side of right triangle parallel to X axis
						side_B = this_ffc->X; // length of side of right triangle perpendicular to X axis
						side_C = Sqrt( (side_A*side_A) + (side_B*side_B) ); // length of hypotenuse

						projectile->X = this_ffc->X;
						projectile->Y = this_ffc->Y;

						projectile->Vy = projectile_speed * (side_A / side_C); // Sin of the angle is opp/hyp
						projectile->Vx = projectile_speed * (side_B / side_C); // Cos of the angle is adj/hyp

						gun_state = 1;	
			} // end of state 0
			if ( gun_state == 1){

				if(firing_delay >= 0){
					firing_delay = 20;
					gun_state = 2;

			} // end of state 1

			if ( gun_state == 2){

				if(delay_counter >= 0){
					delay_counter = shot_delay;
					gun_state = 0;
			} // end of state 2

			if ( (projectile->X < 0) || (projectile->Y < 0) ||
				 (projectile->Y > 160) || (projectile->X > 240) ) {

				projectile->Vx = 0;	
				projectile->Vy = 0;
				projectile->X = 0;
				projectile->Y = -16;

		} // end of while loop

	} // end of void run

} // end of ffc script
EDIT: This got posted in "scripting" isntead of "script showcase." Sorry about that, Mods.