...so it's likely that your Enemies will revert to the defaults in a coming build. Just so you know.

Anyway, my first improvement is combining the enemy types "Walking Enemy, Walker/Shooter", "Goriya", "Bubble", "Zol" and "Zol Tribble" into one single "Walker/Shooter" enemy type.

The misc. flags for this proposed supertype will look like this:

misc1: Attack Type. 0 = normal, 1 = fires weapon on each tile (i.e Fire Zol), 2 = fires weapons constantly (or has homing boomerang), 3 = fires three weapons, 4 = fires four weapons, 5 = fires five weapons, 7 = stream of weapons (Fire Octorok), 8 = fires eight weapons
misc2: Suicide Attack. 1 = splits on damage, 2 = splits on death, 3 = fires eight weapons on death
misc3: ID of enemy to split into.
misc4: number of enemies to split into.
misc5: ID of enemy to "grow up" into after 256 frames.
misc6: Affects how many times it will fire when it stops to fire. No effect if misc1 = 7 or 2
misc7: Status Effects. 1 = temporary jinx, 2 = permanent jinx, 3 = remove jinx, 4 = lose magic, 5 = take rupees, 6 = make Link "drunk"
misc8: Status Effect Strength. If misc7 < 4, then 0 = sword, 1 = item, 2 = both. Otherwise, the amount of magic/rupees to take away.

Also, all of the weakness and resistance flags will work. However, breaking an enemy's shields won't cause it to change tiles unless it has the "Darknut Walk" or "New Darknut Walk" animation types.