This is a cross-post to highlight the scripts you can go get from the Zodiac demo I posted in the Discussion forum.

The thread is located here:

There are about 26 scripts in the un-passworded quest linked there. Some of the highlights include:


1. Side-scrolling script does the following: (1) allows the player to jump pressing "L"; (2) increases jump height if the player has the high-jump item, currently assigned to the Roc's Feather; (3) allows double-jumping if the player has the double-jump item, currently assigned to the Whistle; and (4) accellerates left and right movement while the player holds R if he or she has the dash item, currently assigned to the Letter, uses magic; and (5) steadily refills the player's magic meter over time.


1. Various versions of the enemy ghosting function. Some use this_ffc-> instead of this-> to get around, some trigger screen warps or combo changes when the enemy dies, etc. The functionality is described pretty well by the comments.

2. Various boss movement patterns. Diving, orbiting, chasing (on the ground or in the air), etc. The most advanced one yet is a simple air chasing script that stops and moves a fire enemy to the ffc when the combo cycles enough- the effect is a boss that zips around, then pauses and opens to reveal a vulnerability.


1. The bubble spawn script that creates enemies when a combo becomes walkable. Used for enemies hiding in the sand, or re-creating those tadpoles from MM3 Gemini man.

2. Recharging script that fills arrows, life, magic, and bombs while you're standing on the ffc.

3. Shoot-em-up script that spawns enemies and arrow refills at regular intervals.

And many more.