Now you can pickup rocks (or any other object of your choice) and use them as weapons just like in Lttp.
it requires some settup to use.
I choose combo page 25 to use for 'liftable objects' you can change that if you want, but to use this script as is, just setup the first 120 combos on page 25 as follows:

combo 6400 - 6419 - Light objects
combo 6420 - 6439 - Held Light objects
combo 6440 - 6459 - Heavy objects
combo 6460 - 6479 - Held Heavy objects
combo 6480 - 6499 - Very Heavy objects
combo 6500 - 6519 - Held Very Heavy objects

D0: the combo ID of the under combo you want to use after a rock is lifted
D1: the damage of Light objects
D2: the damage of Heavy objects
D3: the damage of Very Heavy objects

Just put this script in a FFC in each room you have something liftable.

This script is setup to use the R button for lifting and throwing objects

The only thing missing is to change Link's graphics to actually look like he is holding the object, I am thinking of giveing Link an invisible Item that does nothing execpt use the Link tile modifier to switch his graphics while holding the rock, and take the Item away once he has thrown it. Hopefully someone will make some graphics for this (as I am not useing Link as my main character I am working on other graphics)

Enjoy, and please report any bugs! :)
ffc script liftRock{
void run(int under, int dam_1, int dam_2, int dam_3) {
int xx = 0;
int yy = 0;
int this_dam = 0;
bool is_hit = false;
bool is_hold = false;
while (true) {
	is_hit = false;
	if (Link->Dir == 0) { 
		 xx = Link->X; 
		 yy = Link->Y-8;
	if (Link->Dir == 1) { 
		 xx = Link->X; 
		 yy = Link->Y+16;
	if (Link->Dir == 2) { 
		 xx = Link->X-16; 
		 yy = Link->Y;
	if (Link->Dir == 3) { 
		 xx = Link->X+16; 
		 yy = Link->Y;
	if (Link->InputR && can_lift(xx,yy) > 0 && is_hold == false)
	//Main Action Loop
	if (can_lift(xx,yy) == 1) {this_dam = dam_1;}
             if (can_lift(xx,yy) == 2) {this_dam = dam_2;}
             if (can_lift(xx,yy) == 3) {this_dam = dam_3;)
	//assumes the shape of the rock
	this->Data = Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xx,yy)] + 20;
	this->CSet = Screen->ComboC[ComboAt(xx,yy)];
	//Changes Rock to undercombo
	Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xx,yy)] = under; 
	//moves ffc to position of rock
	this->X = xx;
	this->Y = yy;
	//Sets flag to tell Link is holding rock
	is_hold = true;
	while(Link->InputR) { Waitframe(); }

	if (is_hold == true)
//moves rock to above Link's head
	this->X = Link->X;
	this->Y = Link->Y-12;
	if (Link->InputR && is_hold == true)
	//Throwing routine
             is_hold = false;
	if (Link->Dir == 0)
		while (is_hit == false) 
			if (ene_damage(this_dam,this->X,this->Y) == true) { is_hit = true; }
		this->Data = 0;
		this->X = 0;
		this->Y = 0;
	if (Link->Dir == 1)
		while (is_hit == false) 
			if (ene_damage(this_dam,this->X,this->Y) == true) { is_hit = true; }
			this->Data = 0;
			this->X = 0;
			this->Y = 0;	
	if (Link->Dir == 2)
		while (is_hit == false) 
			if (ene_damage(this_dam,this->X,this->Y) == true) { is_hit = true; }
			this->Data = 0;
			this->X = 0;
			this->Y = 0;	 	
	if (Link->Dir == 3)
		while (is_hit == false) 
			if (ene_damage(this_dam,this->X,this->Y) == true) { is_hit = true; }
			this->Data = 0;
			this->X = 0;
			this->Y = 0;		


int can_lift(int xn, int yn)
int result = 0;
	if(xn<0 || xn>240 || yn<0 || yn>160)
		return 0;
	if (Link->Item[107] && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] >= 6400 && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] <= 6419) { result = 1;}
	if (Link->Item[19] && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] >= 6440 && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] <= 6459) { result = 2 ;}
	if (Link->Item[56] && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] >= 6480 && Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(xn,yn)] <= 6499) { result = 3;}

return result;

bool ene_damage(int damage,int xn, int yn) {
	int ene_chk = 1;
	bool result = false;
	if (xn<0 || xn>240 || yn<0 || yn>160) {result = true;}		 	
		while (ene_chk <= Screen->NumNPCs()) {
			npc trg_ene = Screen->LoadNPC(ene_chk); 	
			if (trg_ene->X+8 >= xn-8 && trg_ene->X+8 <= xn+24 && trg_ene->Y+8 >= yn-8 && trg_ene->Y+8 <= yn+24) {
				//Enemy is Hit
				result = true;
				int timer = 10;
				trg_ene->HP -= damage;
				while(timer > 0) {
					//Flash CSet
					int def_cset = trg_ene->CSet;
					if (trg_ene->CSet == def_cset) {
						trg_ene->CSet = 5;} 
					else {
						trg_ene->CSet = def_cset;}
					//Push enemy back
					//0,1,2,3, - Up,Dn,Lt,Rt
					if (trg_ene->Dir == 0) {
						if (is_walkable(trg_ene->X,trg_ene->Y+4)) {trg_ene->Y+=4;}
					if (trg_ene->Dir == 1) {
						if (is_walkable(trg_ene->X,trg_ene->Y-4)) {trg_ene->Y-=4;}
					if (trg_ene->Dir == 2) {
						if (is_walkable(trg_ene->X+4,trg_ene->Y)) {trg_ene->X+=4;}
					if (trg_ene->Dir == 3) {
						if (is_walkable(trg_ene->X-4,trg_ene->Y)) {trg_ene->X-=4;}
					timer -= 1;
		ene_chk += 1;
return result;