Quote Originally Posted by Joe123 View Post
Can't you do this with ComboAt?
No. Unless you only want to check the position right in front of Link. I have to check every. single. combo for the block. Here's my plan:

1: Check for the block
2: If found, set 4 variables to the combos on all four spots around it
3: Set its current location
4: If moved, place the reset combo where it once was, set new location, and set the reset combo to the combo it overwrote

Yeeeeah. But since ComboAt and that stuff _L_'s Switch Gate script uses to check for the blocks use one single number... I can't change the x or y positions to work. Thus, no script. D: If anyone's got an idea how to do "for(int i, blah blah blah)" so it keeps the X and Y seperate until ready to be used to look for the block, let me know IMMEDIATELY. I can't perfect the script without it.