I'm seeing if I can figure out this scripting thing, and I was seeing if I could make a custom weapon. The idea is that it will spawn a freeform combo and shoot it out kinda like the boomerang goes except after a certain range it will disappear instead of returning and will just damage, not stun. The script should be able to specify how much damage it can do to any given enemies. I have the part where you make the FFC and shoot it off in a desired direction with the desired velocity (I think), but how do you make it disappear at the end of the range? That will not happen the frame the item is used so it would seem to be a problem.

Also, how do I make it damaging to enemies? I can see what function would change the HP of any given enemy, but how do I identify that I'm hitting an enemy and then tell which type of enemy it is (I don't want to do anything rash like kill the old man, and I probably want to be able to make things like Darknuts and Digdoggers immune)?

Thanks for any help ahead of time.