Dont ask, I didn't think that this was implemented yet either....Just stick in a number divisible by 20 for D[0], (ie; 2000 or 11460) and the CSet most of your tiles or sprites use that look good for D[1]. Put on a blank screen and thats it.

What does it do? ...It will scroll through your entire tilepage for Layer one. Have fun.

edit: Changed a tiny bit. use something like 10,000 for D[0] argument. OMG, I'm flying!

ffc script Background{

	void run(int tile, int cset){

	int delay = 0;
	this->X = 0; this->Y = -16;
	int t = tile;


			int tx = this->X; int ty = this->Y;


			if(delay >= 4){ this->Y++; delay=0;}

			if(this->Y > 0){this->Y = -16; t -= 20;}