The following combo types mean that when the combo is hit once by the specified item, then it will change into the next combo in the list without triggering secrets. Plus an identical version of the combo that spawns either a rupee, heart, or nothing, or the screen's special item if Flag 10 is placed over it, much like the "Slash->Next (Item)" combo type.

Bomb->Next (Item)
B'rang->Next (Item)
Arrow->Next (Item)
Magic->Next (Item)
Burn->Next (Item)
Pound (Item)
Strike->Next (Item)

Auto Trigger: When a combo of this type appears on the screen, like via combo cycling, secrets will automatically be triggered.

Auto Reset Room: When a combo of this type appears on screen, the room will be reset. Link doesn't not have to actually step on the combo for this to happen, unlike the "Reset Room" type.

Auto Kill All Enemies: When this combo appears on screen, such as via combo cycling, a secret, or because a "slash->next" combo was slashed, then all enemies in the room instantly die (including Trigger enemies)

Strike->Damage: This combo does nothing if you walk on it, but if you strike it with a weapon, it actually deals damage to you upon striking it, whether the combo is solid or not. What'd be a great use for it is...let's say you have three identical looking triggers. 2 of them are "strike->damage" combos & the other is a regular combo with an "arrow" flag on it. If you shoot an arrow at the wrong combo, you'll take damage--shoot an arrow at the right combo, & you'll unlock the room's secrets.

And not a combo but another flag idea:
Block Hole (Push->Previous): You can now have two different spaces that change a push block to 2 different things, to either the previous combo in the list or the next combo in the list, depending on which type of Block Hole you push the block onto. I had this idea that in some puzzles I wanted to make if you push a block with a left arrow onto one tile space, the block will appear to have fallen in a hole. However, if you push the block onto a different space, the arrow drawn on the block will become reversed (so it'll become a right arrow). This can only work if you have two different block hole flags.