Quote Originally Posted by bobby_light View Post
Of course keep in mind you folks are free to do whatever you want, I'm just feeling a little argumentative tonight :)

Are you saying you folks have considered having the license extend to quests created with ZQ? If someone puts a *quest* on another web site, the license of *ZQuest/ZC* doesn't matter - unless you're saying that the ZC license will include a clause along the lines of "all quests created with this program can only be hosted on the following sites..." Having the license extend to products created with ZQ seems a little overbearing - other tools such as GameMaker (or compilers in general) never restrict what you can do with generated output.

Back on topic - I'd suggest the obvious choice of simply hosting on github. Beats hosting your own repository - you get failover, backups, etc. for free - and people can easily fork the project to contribute. As far as a build farm, I have no first-hand experience; they've always been administered by someone else. But that's always something you can look into later.
I considered it for various reasons, but we decided against it.

github is on the table...we talked about a couple other options too.