Okay, time for a new forum game! In Mad Libs, you'll throw together a story but leave a few blanks in place of words. The next poster's job is to fill in the words you left out, and then set up a new Mad Lib in the same manner (leaving blanks of their own).


1st Post
Once, a ______ (noun) took hold of the ______(adjective) ______ (noun) and ______ (adverb) ______ (verb, past tense) it all the way to ________ (noun).

2nd Post
Llama, Mighty, Shovel, Swiftly, Kicked, Oklahoma

Once, a Llama took hold of the Mighty Shovel and Swiftly Kicked it all the way to Oklahoma

Okay, enough of that. Time for the real game.

A/An _______ (AGN User) ______ (verb) the ______ (noun) and thus proved without a shadow of a doubt that _____ (noun or verb) is the meaning of life.