I recently did a video for a friend that ended up having some classic gaming references in it, and it got me interested in doing something Zelda related. I was wondering if I could get a little help from you folks, because my personal Zelda knowledge and experience is based entirely around retro zelda stuff, like the NES, Gameboy, and SNES versions (because I'm old as fuck). I'd also like to include some stuff in the video about Zelda classic, but I don't know what the best quests are, and I guess in general I'm interested in hearing what y'all might like to see from Zelda Classic references, art, quests, or musical themes. So:

1) What are your favorite music themes from the Zelda series?

2) What are your favorite Zelda Classic quests and/or tilesets?

3) What are your favorite boss battles from the Zelda series? Favorite moments in general? Favorite characters?

Thank you! I will include a very grateful shoutout to all the hooligans here at AGN when I make the video.