My laptop died yesterday.

Fortunately, the only thing I lost was maybe a few hours worth of stuff, and the HD looks recoverable.

Now, unfortunately, until I can get a new computer:

1. I am running Windows XP
2. I cannot record
3. I only have a 150 GB Hard Drive.

So for the next month, I will be working, but I won't be doing any mass promotion or anything. There might be private alphas though once I migrate everything from ZC to this computer.

I will be keeping this XP computer even when I get my new computer. I do like a working XP system, and it's good for things like SFR and old versions of ZC.

Once again, I apologize.


Addendum since I posted on ZC: I didn't trash my computer, the heat shield went after 4 years if anyone's wondering. All my data is safe, just locked away until I get Windows 8.1 and a dual boot.