Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
Not sure where you're getting this from but okay. I literally only downrated Return of Ganon and you threw a hissy fit. Can't really blame someone for their autism though, so I'm sorry.
You did it to my let's play videos too and you know it. That's how you found the video I uploaded, you were refreshing my youtube channel to find new videos to downrate.

You can play dumb or deny it all you want, but you know damned well I'm right. Just as you know I am right about your hairline, loser lifestyle, and permanent virginity. You live a miserable life where you can never get laid, and you obsessively go after people who slight you online in any small way. It is this loser lifestyle that caused you to obsess with me on Saffith's behalf, even though he and I are both passed it.

Either way, you are exposed and it can never be undone.

Edit - Also, how badly did you whine at Shane to "PLEASE TELL HIM THAT'S NOT ME I BEG OF YOU"? I mean, it's sad enough you live the life you do, it's even sadder to go around begging people to tell others you are not you.