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Thread: ZShell: A Live debugging and cheat shell for ZC for Necromancer (2.556)+

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    The Timelord
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    Press F7 to open the shell.
    Type an instruction.
    Press the DOWN ARROW KEy to ENQUEUE the instruction, or;
    Press ENTER to execute the instruction.
    If you have enqueued instructions, press ENTER either at the
    end of an instruction, or on an empty line to EXECUTE
    all of your enqueued instructions.


    You may print a line of text, or a literal value directly
    to allegro.log using the following syntax:

    This traces all characters that follow it, to
    allegro.log as a string.
    It eats all leading spaces and characters,
    so all of these are identical:
    %s PRINTME
    %s: PRINTME

    The output of this will be:

    This traces a literal value (integer or float)
    to allegro.log.
    It eats all leading spaces and characters,
    so all of these are identical:
    %s 100.500
    %s: 100.500

    The output of this will be:
    LOG: 100.500

    Traces cannot be enqueued at this time.

    Sequence Scripts

    You may save a sequence of instructions that you have entered
    into the shell into one of TEN SEQUENCE SLOTS.

    To do this, after entering a series of commands, with a BLANK LINE,
    press the CONTROL KEY and one of the main number keys (above the home row,
    not on the number pad), 1 through 0.

    The number key that you press corresponds to the SEQUENCE slot that your
    sequence script is using.

    If you save the quest, your sequence script will save with it.

    To run a sequence script, open the shell, and do not add any INSTRUCTIONS ON THE STACK:
    Type the command: RunSequence,id



    --end example]

    This will immediate;y run Sequence Script 1.

    Supported Instructions

    Link's Position
    w : Warp Link to a specific dmap and screen
    po : Reposition Link on the screen.
    mx : Move link by +/-n pixels on the X axis.
    my : Move link by +/-n pixels on the Y axis.

    h : Set Link's HP to a specific value.
    m : Set Link's Magic to a specific value.
    a : Set the current number of Arrows
    b : Set the current number of Bombs
    r : Set the current number of Rupees
    mb : Set the current number of Max Bombs
    ma : Set the current number of Max Arrows
    mr : Set the current number of Max Rupees
    k : Set the current number of Keys
    co : Set an arbitrary counter to a specific value.
    rh : Refill Link's HP to Max.
    rm : Refill Link's HP to Max.
    rc : Refill a specific counter to Max.
    mh : Set Link's Max HP.
    mm : Set Link's Max MP
    mc : Set the maximum value of a specific counter.

    lk : Set the current number of Level Keys for a specific level ID.
    lm : Set if the MAP item for a specific Level is in inventory.
    lc : Set if the COMPASS item for a specific Level is in inventory.
    lt : Set if the TRIFORCE item for a specific Level is in inventory.
    lb : Set if the BOSS KEy item for a specific Level is in inventory.
    itm : Set the state of a specific item in Link's inventory.

    Link's States
    hb : Set if Link uses a full tile hitbox. (hitbox)
    d : Set if Link can move diagonally.
    inv : Set Link's Invisible state.

    Create Objects
    crn : Create an npc.
    cri : Create an item.

    FFC Values
    fd : Set the Data value of one ffc.
    fs : Set the Script value of one ffc.
    fc : Set the CSet of an ffc.
    fx : Set the X component of an ffc.
    fy : Set the Y component of an ffc.
    fvx : Set the X Velocity Component of an ffc.
    fvy : Set the Y Velocity Component of an ffc.
    fax : Set the X Accel. Component of an ffc.
    fay : Set the XYAccel. Component of an ffc.
    ffl : Set an ffc flag state true or false.
    fth : Set the TileHeight of an ffc.
    ftw : Set the TileWidth of an ffc.
    feh : Set the EffectHeight of an ffc.
    few : Set the EffectWidth of an ffc.
    fl : Link an ffc to another, or clear a link.
    fm : Write to the Misc[] values of an ffc.

    pls : Play a sound effect.
    plm : Play a MIDI.
    dmm : Set the MIDI for a specific DMap to a desired ID.

    pal : Change a DMap palette.
    mon : Set a monochrome graphical state.
    hu : Set a specific hue effect.
    t : Set a specific tint effect.
    cl : Clear hue/tint.

    run : Attempt to run an ffc script.
    save : Save the game.

    Use these as srg values, if desired, instead of literals:
    lx : The current X-coordinate for Link.
    ly : The current Y-coordinate for Link.

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