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Thread: Zelda Classic ongoing Beta reports

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    Death Knight Cronic's Avatar
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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 135

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    New/fixed in this version:

    1. In response to Cloral's Suggestion in ZC Suggestions, I've renamed the 'all-purpose' flag to the 'lens marker' flag. I checked through the code and he was right; it serves absolutely no other purpose other than to mark things for the lens.

    2. I tweaked the lens so that it now shows bombable walls in dungeons with a 'bombed wall' state instead of the white square it was showing before.

    3. In response to KJAZZ's post, I updated newdefault again. It's now in the Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 135+ Support Archive, and also available separately (save it to your C:\ZCBeta directory, or wherever you've been extracting the betas).

    4. Added item bubbles. This should make things a lot more interesting.

    For some reason, the 256 combo bug that corrupted your saves vanished. I'm beginning to thing it's a roaming bug, so whenever you save, export a .QSU as well, just in case.
    "You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive"

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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 136

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    New/fixed in this version:

    1. In response to bigjoe's post, I've once again switched the F1 key back to it's original purpose, toggling VSync.

    2. In response to KJAZZ's post, I updated newdefault yet again. I will update the support archive later. For now, it's available as a separate file (save it to your C:\ZCBeta directory, or wherever you've been extracting the betas).

    3. Stalfos 3. Nothing too special yet. I threw him it just before I had to go to work. I will update him some more tomorrow. For now, he's does 3 times as much damage, has more hit points (6, I think, compared to 2 for the other Stalfos enemies), moves faster (not crack speed, though), follows Link more often, and currently drops magic jars sometimes when defeated. Other than that, he acts like a Stalfos 2, I think. I'm planning on tweaking him to fire more often and fire in 4 directions instead of 2.

    4. 20 New map flags:
    +magic boomerang
    +fire boomerang
    +silver arrow
    +golden arrow
    +red candle
    +wand fire
    +din's fire
    +wand magic
    +reflected magic
    +reflected fireball
    +white sword
    +magic sword
    +master sword
    +sword beam
    +magic sword beam
    +master sword beam

    These allow you to trigger things with your items. For the most part, higher-power weapons will trigger lower power flags. For instance, the wooden, silver, and golden arrows will all trigger the arrow flag. The silver and golden arrows will trigger the silver arrow flags and the golden arrow will trigger the golden arrow flag.

    A few odd ducks, though:
    +fire flags: Anything that generates fire (the flame trail from the fire boomerang doesn't count) will trigger a burn flag. Anything that triggers a burn flag except the blue candle will trigger the red candle flag. Anything that triggers a red candle flag except the red candle will trigger the wand fire flag (this is the fire that the wand creates when you have the book). And only Din's Fire (still not put back in yet, sorry) will trigger the Din's Fire flag.

    +magic flags: Wand Magic and Reflected Magic are mutually exclusive. They will not trigger each other's flags.

    +sword and sword beam flags: Putting a sword flag on something is basically like setting that combo as a slash combo. the white sword, magic sword, and master sword flags make you have to use that sword or better on the flag to activate it. The beam flags work the same way, but are only triggered by the beam; the blade of the sword won't work. Also, the beams won't trigger the sword flags.

    +reflected flags: Yes, you have to reflect magic or fireballs (like from zoras) at them to trigger them. No, they are not interchangeable. Also, I forget what mirrors and prisms do to wand magic, enemy magic, and reflected magic (I think they are all changed to reflected magic when they hit a mirror or prism). When testing, you may want to sprikle some mirrors around and set up some flags and maybe some wizzrobes so you can test what happens.

    I loaded up zquest to look at the flag list just now so I could write them down here (as I don't have the source code with me) and I noticed a bug. I forgot to put a comma in the flag list after the master sword flag. So, for the moment, the white sword beam flag is really the sword beam flag, the magic sword beam flag is really the white sword beam flag, the master sword beam flag is really the magic sword beam flag, and the last entry (it says L^^ on my system) is really the master sword beam flag. I will fix the wording in the next beta. However, none of these additions/changes except for the fixed newdefault (and the flag listing) have been tested. So, please test thoroughly and give me as much information about this as you can by tomorrow morning so I can fix them if needed.
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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 138

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    What's new/fixed:

    1. The new triggers should be working now and I've added the wand and hammer triggers. The wand itself, not the magic, activates the wand trigger.

    2. The hookshot now goes through any gap that is 1/2 combo size or larger. Before, it wouldn't go between combos that were together and had their touching walk flags turned off.

    3. Weapons should trigger things at the right times now. For instance, before, an arrow would trigger an arrow flag even if it was combo lower. This should be fixed now.

    4. Stalfos 3 should be pretty much finalized now. Fires 4 swords instead of 1 now.

    Gotta run. I'll try to update this post later with more details. Until then, see what you can find on your own.

    One thing that you might notice immediately different, there are now 4 more template screens at the bottom. Secret combos use screen 84 instead of 83 now.
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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 139

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    Well, it's been a while since the last update. I hope you all think it's worth it.

    What's new/fixed:

    1. Fixed zgp.dat to account for the new template screen.

    2. Enhanced the import combo function so you can now specify a starting page like with the import tile function.

    3. JayeM has done a new zquest.txt file for beta 136.

    4. Items now animate in ZQuest.

    5. Items continue to animate when Link picks holds them over his head now (before, they stopped). I suppose I could put this as a quest rule if someone has a reason that an item should stop animating when Link is holding them.

    6. The trigger enemy finally works.

    7. When you push a non-heavy pushblock onto a trigger, it will now make the secret sound when it's supposed to like the heavy ones do.

    8. Pushblocks now flicker when viewed with the lens, instead of disappearing. Should I change this back? Or should I find another way to represent them?

    9. Enemy placement flags no longer show up with the lens.

    10. The "Lens Hints" quest rule works now. Basically, when you view a flag under the lens, you will see what item triggers it flickering there. For instance, a burn flag will show a flickering blue candle. Some flags have multiple things showing up. For instance, the "reflected fireball" flag shows a mirror shield with a fireball reflecting off of it. Reflected magic and wand magic exhibit similar behaviors. Strike flags cycle through all of the weak items that will trigger them: blue candle, bomb, arrow, boomerang, sword, sword beam, wand magic, reflected magic, reflected fireball, hookshot, hammer (not necessarily in that order). Give the new lens rule a try and tell me what you think. Also, if you have the "whistle->stairs" screen flag set, then a whistle will blink slowly (instead of flicker) on at the place where the stairs appear. Also, the fairy flag has a fairy on it now. Should this be taken out or changed in any way? Before, it was a flickering white square. If you want to see what this square looks like, look at a walk-through dungeon wall with the lens (like in level 2 of the second quest, I think).

    Tomorrow morning, I plan to add the autobackup feature. It will, when you save, export a qsb file (qsu file with a qsb extension) with the same name.

    Now that I think of it, I think the map and qsu export and import functions are wrong now because of the new quest format. I'll look at them tomorrow morning and fix them as well, if needed. The zgp import/export functions should already be fixed, since I had to use them to export a new zgp.dat file.

    Another feature I plan to add soon is the ability to select a graphics pack when you start a new quest. Right now, it defaults to newdefault, which is included in the zgp.dat file. I can add more easily. Thoughts? Any ones I should definitely include? Already plan on using newfirst (with Warlock's permission) and BS1st. What about Glenn's CGBZ set or Orion's Z3 set? Maybe even demo.
    "You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive"

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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 140

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    What's new/fixed:

    1. Auto-backup option (under the Etc.->Options menu). Turn it on and every time you save, your quest will also be exported with the same name and a qsb extension.

    2. More strings. Around 65k of them. If anyone thinks they need more, their quest is just too long. :p

    3. Red candle flame fixed when it was broken due to the new red candle flag.

    4. Quest rule for holding item animation has been done. I forgot to rename it, though. It's the first reserved rule on rules page 2.

    5. Now, if you hit cancel on any of the rules or init data pages, your previous information comes back. Before, it would only restore the previous information for the page you were on.

    6. Found the cause of the titlescreen and "All of Treasures" screen bugs. I've fixed the "All of Treasures" screen (I think), and plan to fix the titlescreen tomorrow.

    As for the format of QSU files now (this is for FCF), I will be changing the format again with beta 141 (I forgot to enhance the string function in the QSU importer/exporter). You might want to wait until then before updating mapmaker.
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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 141

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    What's new/fixed:

    1. Modified the QSU import/export so that is doesn't waste space due to the increased string limit.

    2. Gohma 3. Need 3 silver (or 2 gold) arrows to kill. Shoots 3 fireballs (like Aquamentus, only downward).

    3. Gohma 4. Need 2 gold arrows to kill. Whenever the eye is open, shoots a stream of flames (like the Fire Gleeoks do).

    3. Fixed the bug where the windows version would sometimes crash when looking at light (not requiring a bracelet) pushblocks with the lens.

    4. Tweaked the pushblock viewing with lens code. Now, the pushblock blinks slowly. If a bracelet is needed for the pushblock, then that bracelet flickers on the pushblock.

    5. Finally fixed the titlescreen. Requires a new zgp.dat file.

    6. Began work on a modified map import feature. With it, group quests will be easier. Imagine you have two maps set up like this:

    ABCD   ----
    ---E   NOP-
    -HGF   M---
    ----   LKJI
    Basically, two interlocking spirals. Before, you had to import one onto a separate map and manually copy screens over. Now, blank screens are not imported (unless you specify "full copy").

    So, before, an import would overwrite what you already had. Now:
    ABCD        ----
    ---E        NOP-
    -HGF        M---
    ----        LKJI
    What if you already have a screen where an imported screen will be? There is an option to specify which screen (original or import) takes priority.

    Unfortunately, this feature isn't complete yet. Selecting any of the options other than "Full Copy" will clear your map for some reason. *shrug*

    As for the format of QSU files now (this is for FCF), it's the same, except the string part is now like that of the string export:
    typedef unsigned short word
    typedef unsigned char  byte
    typedef struct message {
     char s[73];
     char s1,s2,s3;
    } message
    short version
    byte  build
    word  strings
    strings * sizeof(message)
    Before, it would store all the message strings in the file, even if you only had 1.
    "You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive"

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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 142

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    What's new/fixed:

    1. Completed the biased map importer. The easiest way to describe it is to think of an exported map as a piece of paper. Same thing with the map you are currently working on. Screens that aren't there (deleted) are holes in the paper. When you do a full import, you make a copy of the imported map and place it where your current map is. With the other two options, you are holding the two pieces of paper together, one behind the other. If there is a hole in the one in front, you can see through it to the paper behind. Now, look at your set of papers and copy what you see into the current map.

    2. New import/export format: ZQT (Zelda Quest Template). Basically a packed (compressed) version of the ZGP. Reason is below.

    3. Began work on quest templates. Basically, a quest template allows you to select what your quest will look like when you start. It's equivalent to starting a new quest, then loading a ZGP file. Now, however, you can have a list of commonly used templates that you can pick from when you start a new quest. When you select New from the File menu, you will see this dialog first:

    This is actually a half-mockup. I have written the code to show this dialog, but it doesn't work yet. All the things you see there are fake values I hard-coded in to show you what it will look like. Thusly, if you actually do a File->New in beta 142, you won't see this, as I've disabled it.

    There are a few advantage of this over my previous idea (putting all of the defaults into a zgp.dat file). First, the user can add their own templates to the mix, and can order them any way they wish (I need to add buttons and code for that). Second, if a change is made to one of the templates, since each one is separate now, the user only has to download that changed template.

    Thoughts on this idea? I'll probably add a feature to the Options menu where you can tell whether or not you want to be prompted for this (you'd also be able to select a default template to use if you don't want to be prompted).

    "You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive"

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    All right, I've included the version history in this thread.

    Damn software...just because I posted it once in the private forum, it doesn't want me to post it here.

    This copy addresses up to beta 141. And goes back even further than beta 120.

    [email protected]
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    AZC Beta Report: ZC Build 144

    Originally posted by Dark Nation
    What's new/fixed:

    1. Gold ring is now selectable in the equipment dialog that's called up from the cheats menu.

    2. Equipment dialog has been redesigned in the JWin style as apposed to the flat, Allegro style. The reason this was never done before is because PM never wrote checkbox and radio button dialog elements for the JWin style. I wrote them over the past 2 days and this is the result. Comments welcome.

    2. Fixed the bug where pushblocks would turn off if you hit one while another is moving (unless you knew what was going on, it would look like some pushblocks would, at random, refuse to work unless you left the screen and came back).

    3. Continued work on quest templates. Not finished, but I left the dialog in this time so you could all make comments about it. Right now, you can create new entries and give them names. Can't associate them with files yet, though and it doesn't save your listing when you leave ZQuest.

    4. JayeM update the zquest.txt file to beta 142.

    5. Compiled with the newest Allegro, 4.01. Might fix some stability issues. YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE NEW WINDOWS SUPPORT ARCHIVE IF YOU USE THE WINDOWS VERSION OF ZC!

    6. Using a new compressor on the executables. This one works on both DOS and Windows files, so the Windows version is now WAY smaller. It compresses better than the previous program I used, so the DOS version is a little smaller, too.

    7. ZQuest and Zelda now have their own icons in their titlebars when you run them windowed. Before, it was just a generic application icon.

    8. Updated the zgp.dat file again to fix the cset of the golden arrow item.

    9. Fixed the problem in Zelda where ALL drives were listed in the drive list box, instead of just the ones you actually had.

    10. Fixed a bug where the lens wouldn't show undercombos on the bottom of the screen.

    11. This was actually done a few betas back, but I forgot to mention it: If you destroy a statue combo (hammer, burn, anything that gets rid of the combo if you've set a flag on it), it should stop firing at you now.

    Yes, I know there is still a problem with the template screens (now, they show up blank or scrambled when you start a new quest). I know how to fix it, but I have to finish the quest template stuff first.
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    Beta 147 Progress

    No new beta yet, for testers, but this is being added to my file.

    • Finally completed the quest template system. I like it, at least.
    • Fixed the bug where if you had a dmap intro string set and had a guy there with a string and you walked into the room, both would start showing up at the same time. Now, the DMap intro shows up, vanishes after a moment, then the guy string shows up.
    • Fixed the bug where a DMap intro string might show up twice.
    • Fixed the bug in ZQuest where the F12 key would turn the vertical flip bit on.
    • Began work on string linking. About 75% done. Now, when you edit strings, you can hit a check box to make the string linked to the next string. Then, when you play, after the first string shows up, the second one shows up. All I have to do is add a small delay between them, force the player to hit a button between the messages, and maybe set some kind of indicator that you need to press a key.

    More when we get our new beta. DC, if you beat me to this, only copy any different items between the above and the new beta.
    "This generation will run the country someday, unfortunately. Maybe we will get lucky and they will all stay bums." - Starkist
    Meh... sleep is for the weak. [goes back to sleep] - inori :rofl:
    You have a lot of people quoted in your sig. But not me. Thank you. - Tygore
    I got a brother who knows about this place... he can pass on the message if something ever happened to me. Then you'll all know when to rejoice. - Daarkseid

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