as they joruney, they encounter many very weal enemies who fall before their combined might. eventually they encounter a large mountain with a single cave entrance.
[BM]now what?
[mrz]we have to go through this cave filled with treasure and possibly monsters that could easily make you wet your pants.
[BM] there any way around this thing?
[mrz]nope. onward!
[BM]wait! why arent you scared of these monsteres?
[mrz]because im the guardian of time, space, and destiny. why should i be afraid of anything in there?
[T]he has a point].
[BM]well if you're so not afraid then why dont you lead the way while we follow behind your path of destruction?
[mrz]because i can only smooooosh so many things at once with my anime mallet?
[BM]you mean that biig hammer?
[mrz]ITS A ANIME MALLET! :angry:
[F]MONSTER! MUST KILL!*dashes at monster in cave and is almost imediately tossed aside*ouchies.
[mrz]:eyebrow: well that was sorta interesting.
[F]*gets up*IM OK!
[F]i didnt know you cared.
[mrz]*pulls out anime mallet and smoooshes monster* lets just get going ok?

and so they go into the mysterious treasure-ridden, monster-infested cave.....