Pallet - Where Ness lives
-I looked at the enemy list and Ness wasn't listed there.

Combo - A deli sandwich with three kinds of psuedomeat on it
-Mmmmmm Sandwich....too bad Link only eats Heart.

Sprite - A small forest elf that sometimes visits my pants
-I've seen Faries in Zelda but I haven't seen a Sprite yet

Flags - Pieces of fabric tied to the top of long poles so that the wind makes them flag upright.
-Is that anything like when a maiden ties her scarf to the javolin of her champion? I've seen them do that in movies but haven't seen any jousting in Zelda.

Under Combo - Usually where your plate or some wax paper is.
-Damn, that's cool. I usually just get one of those stupid plastic baskets

Screen Combo - To have someone else taste your combo to make sure it isnt poisoned.
-I should start doing that because you just can't trust anyone these days.

Thanks for the help C-Dawg.
Some other terms I was wondering about are:
Misc Data, Header, String, Path, and Guy.

If anyone else has some terms they don't understand C-Dawg and I are compiling a list.

Seriously I just thought a glossary would be useful.