toolie: yes, fishing is ok. they're actually having a tournament either saturday or sunday (i think it's saturday but we'll find out for sure if you or anyone else is interested)

jemsee: shouldn't be a problem, i think we've got three cabins we can take if we need 'em. there are different types of cabins too..some are larger than others. i'll see what was available to us (there's supposed to be a group there that's wanting to reserve them but we're bumping them ) i'll check with zaph tomorrow after i get home from work (and get a chance to see him:) ) to be sure there are cabin spaces available before i say definately one way or another. the camping spaces i'm wanting to reserve are fairly close to the cabins, so we'll have enough space to get away from one another if we want to, but we won't be running ourselves ragged to see one another and for meals.