Changes in ZC 1.93 Alpha/Beta 4

1. Fixed the bug where Link would, after entering a passageway, brielfy appear in the same screen position as the warp entrance while the screen is loading.

2. Fixed the bug where Link would, when holding an item over his head in an item room (not an item cave) float above the floor by 2 pixels.

3. Fixed the bug where some of Link's extra tiles (holding, swimming, diving, etc.) might show incorrectly if he had any equipment on that had a Link tile modifier variable set.

4. Fixed the bug where the screen wouldn't close properly after getting the triforce.

5. Fixed the bug were Like-Likes could grab Link out of the water if he was swimming 1/2 a tile below them. Doing so would also paralyze Link.

6. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where, if the mouse was in the same place as some text in a newly opened dialog, moving the mouse would erase some of the text.

7. Fixed the bug where Ctrl-Alt-End would force ZQuest (and ZC) to quit abruptly.

8. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where exporting a file would cause a status message box to appear with "Error" as the title, but a successful result inside the box.

9. Fixed the bug with Link's colors getting stuck if he was flashing (through injury or from getting a clock) if he went from one screen to another.

10. Fixed the bug with garbage files littering the root of the drive that ZC is on.

11. Fixed the bug where the file select dialog box in the grabber function would not be centered in ZQuest if ZQuest was running in a scaled mode.

12. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where the arrow would be invisible in the palette grabbing function. This bug (once it happened) would cause one of the buttons in the tile editor to be blank.

13. Fixed the bug with Link walking over cave up combos when entering them and being completely covered up when exiting them.

14. Fixed the bug in ZQuest where two of the tabs in the door combo set editor were labelled wrong.

15. Fixed a typo in the enemy list.

16. Fixed the bug with gleeok necks being stuck on the left side of the screen.

17. Fixed the bug where changing the map count in ZQuest would delete the last map.

18. Fixed the bug in the tile editor where the bottom and right sides of the Edit, Ok and Cancel buttons weren't responsive to the mouse.

19. Double-clicking a tile in the tile selection list will now either select it (if it's called from something like a sprite editor) or edit it (if it's called from the Graphics->Tiles menu).

20. Double-clicking a combo in the combo selection list will now either select it (if it's called from something like the door combo editor) or edit it (if it's called from the Graphics->Combos menu).

21. The mouse scroll wheel now works in the tile selector (by scrolling through pages).

22. The mouse scroll wheel now works in the combo selector (by scrolling through pages).

23. Fixed the bug where peahats were only changing direction if they hit the side of the screen or landed.

24. Fixed the bug where the Right-Facing Aquamentus was vulnerable to attack on the tail instead of the head.

25. Fixed the bug where either Aquamentus would, if the new enemy tiles quest rule was enabled, display 4 death sprites instead of 1 when dying.

26. Fixed the bug where Aquamentus fireballs weren't starting from an Aquamentus's mouth.

27. Fixed the bug where the Right-Facing Aquamentus was positioned 1 tile too far to the right.

28. Fixed an inconsistency between ZC and Zelda 1 regarding how the screen opens when you start a quest or exit a dungeon (ZC's opening was too smooth, it's supposed to open 1 tile at a time).

29. Fixed an inconsistency between ZC and Zelda 1 regarding Link and the subscreen when the screen opens at quest start or when exiting a dungeon (things aren't supposed to show up all at once in the subscreen and Link isn't supposed to be visible until the screen finishes opening).

30. Fixed the bug with Dodongos (and BS Dodongos) sometimes vanishing if they are placed near right or bottom dungeon walls.

31. Fixed the bug where segmented enemy segments were counted as enemies for the purpose of determining if armos statues would turn into armos enemies or if graves would release ghini 2's when touched.

32. Added a quest rule "BS-Zelda Graves". With this enabled, releasing a Ghini 2 from a grave by touching it will cause the grave combo to advance by 1. This allows you to have a grave only release one Ghini 2 (if the next combo is not a grave combo) or you can set up a string of grave combos to determing how many Ghini 2's you want to occupy the grave. This is similar to how pound combos work.

33. Fixed the bug an Armos would switch the combo under its starting position to the screen's undercombo even if the Armos was not created from an Armos statue combo.

34. The mouse scroll wheel now changes flags when you are in flag placing mode.

35. The Page Up/Page Down keys (change panel) and Less Than/Greater Than keys (change map) now work in flag placing mode.

36. Combos now continue to animate in flag placing mode, along with the static in the minimap.

37. The mouse combo scroll trigger positions have been fixed for large mode.

38. The icon trigger positions for panel 2 (item, tile warp, warp return, start point, and flag) have been fixed for large mode.

39. The mouse wheel now changes the current map when used over the minimap.

40. The mouse wheel now changes panels when used on the panel area.

41. Fixed the bug where Link would immediately attack at the end of a message if the player was holding down a button to scroll through the message quickly.

42. Fixed the bug where having a blank item or price in a shop would cause the setup to be incorrect. Now, blank items can appear in any of the 3 shop item slots and the program will arrange the remaining items properly. Also, a price can be 0 for a free item.

43. Fixed the problem with overhead layers in the sequence when you pick up the big triforce left by Ganon. Also made it frame-by-frame identical to NES Z1 (you probably wouldn't notice the difference anyway)

44. Fixed the Ganon intro sequence. Moving of screen drawing code caused this sequence to be static. I've fixed that as well as made it frame-by-frame identical to NES Z1 (you probably wouldn't notice this one either)

45. Fixed Ganon's death animation.

46. The screen should now flash gray when a bomb explodes, as in the NES original, unless the "No Bomb Palette Flash" quest rule is checked (which is automatically checked on loading an older quest, for compatibility).

47. Fixed the "invalid quest" error that would appear after the "win game" sequence.

48. Fixed the "win game" sequence problem with layers, among other things.

49. Fixed the bug where sparkles would stay on the screen (continue to animate and not vanish) when Link enters a cave.

50. Fixed a bug with the quest loading where the "Fliers Can Appear On Walls" Quest rule wouldn't automatically check for older quests.

51. Added a stationary fairy to be used as a non-enemy-dropped item. Acts just like the regular fairy but it doesn't move. It also has its own sprite.

52. Messages and prices (but not their items) now appear over any layers, but under sprites. If a sprite is covered by a layer, it can also be covered by the messages, but not otherwise. So if part of the screen is layered, but not the part where messages appear, Link and others with still appear over the messages. This works on a per-pixel basis.

53. Re-fixed the interpolated fading code in the Link dying/game over sequence.

54. Fixed the bug where the "Kill All Enemies" item wouldn't work on Gleeoks and a Gleeok that had been "killed" by this item would eventually crash the game.

55. Changed the "BS Graves" quest rule into a separate combo type so that Graves and BS-Graves can co-exist.

56. Fixed the bug where the last head on a Gleeok (the last one added, to be exact, when a Gleeok is loaded and, thusly, the last one to start moving) will usually start to creep to the left or right instead of moving normally when the "Enter From Sides" enemy pattern is selected, depending on where Link first appears on the screen.

57. Added 2 new screen openings that are used when the "Cool Scrolling" quest rule is selected. Now, ZC cycles through three different openings in order: Circle (the original one used in ZC and in BS Zelda when Link enters or exits caves), Oval (as in Zelda 3), and Rotating Triangle (as seen in the opening of BS Zelda). Currently, there is no way to pick a certain one to use. This will come later if these new openings seem popular.

58. Screen opening and closing shapes now pause when the game pauses. Before, when you paused the game and then unpaused it, the opening or closing shape would have already finished opening or closing.

59. Added a new screen opening/closing style: All-Stars, in the style of the title screen to game selection screen transition in Super Mario All-Stars.

60. The speed at which the screen opening/closing animates now depends on how far away Link is from the center of the screen. This causes the opening/closing animation to finish exactly as Link enters or exits a cave.

61. Fixed the VSync code to correctly keep ZC running at about 60 fps.

62. Fixed a bug in the tile selector screen where the End key would move the selector to the beginning of the next line instead of to the end of the current line.

63. Reworked the keyboard routines for the tile selector. Home now takes you to the first tile of the current screen. End takes you to the last tile of the current screen. Ctrl-Home takes you to the very first tile in the tile list. Ctrl-End takes you to the very last tile of the tile list. Ctrl-Left takes you to the first tile in the current line. Ctrl-Right takes you to the last tile of the current line. Ctrl-Up takes you to the tile in the first line of the current screen while keeping the cursor in the same column (the cursor moves straight up to the top of the screen without moving left or right). Ctrl-Down takes you to the tile in the last line of the current screen while keeping the cursor in the same column (the cursor moves straight down to the bottom of the screen without moving left or right). Ctrl-PgUp takes you to the tile in the very first line of the tile list while keeping the cursor in the same column (the cursor moves straight up to the top of the tile list without moving left or right). Ctrl-PgDown takes you to the tile in the very last line of the tile list while keeping the cursor in the same column (the cursor moves straight down to the bottom of the tile list without moving left or right).

64. Brought the Mac OS X port up to speed with the DOS/Windows/Linux ports.

65. Added a new command key to the tile selector screen. Pressing the P key will bring up a dialog that allows you to enter a page number to go to. The cursor will be moved to the current screen position on the requested page (if you are on the 3rd row and 7th column on the current page, you will end up on the 3rd row and 7th column on the new page).

66. Added a new command key to the combo selector screen. Pressing the P key will bring up a dialog that allows you to enter a page number to go to. The cursor will be moved to the current screen position on the requested page (if you are on the 3rd row and 7th column on the current page, you will end up on the 3rd row and 7th column on the new page).

67. Fixed the menus so that child menus (menus that show up when you click on a menu item that has a right-pointing triangle at the end) don't cover up most of their parent menus.

68. Fixed the JWin menu code to more closely match the way Windows works, particularly regarding titlebar text that is too long to fit in the titlebar.

69. Fixed the ZC title screen to add the copyright and "Jeremy-right" logos, as well as updating the year.

70. Fixed the original title screen with the current year in the "Jeremy-right" as well as making it non-static (before, the year was actually part of the titlescreen graphic; now, it's added by the ZC program).

71. The scale used for ZQuest running in a window is saved between sessions now. Now, set the scale once on the command line, and ZQuest will keep using that until you change it to something else.

72. Fixed the bug where switching between fullscreen and windowed modes while in ZQuest would cause some of the colors in the quest loading status window to be altered.

73. Fixed the bug where the mouse cursor would sometimes be incorrect (namely, the mouse cursor would show up as the select (hookshot) cursor when it was supposed to be blank.

74. Fixed the bug where the paste and move commands wouldn't work in the tile selector if the far right column was part of the original copy selection.

75. Added a new tool to the tile editor: move. This allows you to slide the tile around with the mouse instead of the arrow keys (though they still work). Using the right mouse button causes the tile to slide without wrapping (moving the tile away from the border leaves the edge pixels as color 0).

76. Now, holding a mouse button inside of the zoomed tile edit window locks the mouse to the window, preventing you from accidently wandering outside of it.

77. Added the ability to slide tiles in the tile selector. Holding down the alt key while hitting an arrow key in the tile selector will slide the pixels in rectangular selections of tiles as a single group (whether or not the rectangular selection is forced because of the rectangle selection mode). This makes repositioning a multi-tile object easy, as well as being able to redistribute an object over a different number of tiles.

78. Changed the keyboard behavior in the Mac OS X port. Now, the Control key is replaced with the Command key (so, Control-Left is now Command-Left) to make it more like other Mac OS X applications. This is due to the fact that on one-button mouse systems, the right mouse button is emulated by holding down the Control key while clicking the mouse button.

79. Fixed the bug where the 'b' cheat key wouldn't give you any super bombs, though the bombs cheat menu would.

80. Fixed the bug where doing a 'Save As' in ZQuest wouldn't update the quest name in the titlebar in windowed mode.

81. Fixed the bug where horizontal and vertical flips would affect all tiles within a striped selection, even if the selection method was set to rectangle.

The new transitions can be seen here. It is a 563K animated gif which shows all 4 transitions. If, for some reason, it doesn't play, try viewing it from this html file. You may have to save the gif file to your hard drive in order to view it if these 2 methods don't work.