Yeah, that's what I was doing, but I always came up short. . ., lol. Okay. Let's see what I did. I pretty much ignored the blocks on the right side of the screen, and focused on the statues on the left. I used them all, except for the one stuck in the corner, and the ones that you can't extract from near a pit. Sacrificing one statue for another didn't seem prime, but that's all I could see to do.

EDIT: ... ... Boy, you know, it's a good thing I posted all of this, as if I hadn't, murphy's law wouldn't have kicked in, and the answer wouldn't have kicked me in the bloody shins. lol. Kinda funny how that works. :p

EDIT: OH! Shoelace! On the screen directly below that one, AS WELL as the screen directly to its right, (Of the statue puzzle screen shown above.) Can we turn on Permanent Secrets? I don't like burning the bushes over and over again lol. I'm also going to put in a few health and magic stations here and there, and possibly pump up the enemy count or make it harder to navigate the temple. Any recommendations?