All righty. I am done.


There are two scripted FFCs in there that'll need combos added in. I made recolors of the originals, but I'm not too attached to them. I won't object in the least to using different ones.
I assume they won't actually be used, for the sake of the filesize, but I do also have the proper sounds. The scripts are currently using standard sounds, though, so if you want to use the custom ones, the scripts will have to be edited slightly.

Vacuum (screen 77)
The script
Tiles taken from LADX
Recolored tiles (palette 0A, CSet 9)
High-quality sound file
Low-quality sound file

Chaser trap (screen 47)
The script file
Tiles taken from OOS
Recolored tiles (main palette, CSet 8)
High-quality sound file
Low-quality sound file

Also, here's a quest (b13) showing how the combos should be set up: ffc_setup_example.qst

Two last things to note...
First, there is a bug in b13 which prevents the vacuum script from working. It will work fine in b14.
Second, let me know if you want to use the vacuum script in other rooms or quests; it'll require some of modification to be suitable for general use. Right now, it does only as much collision detection as the room requires. In other areas, it may leave Link stuck in solid objects. The chaser trap, on the other hand, should be fine to use anywhere as is.

Edit: Changed the vacuum script slightly. Updated the quest file accordingly, but if you already got it, you can just import the new script and change the D0 argument to 0.85.