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Thread: Get To Know Me

  1. #21
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?
    2. How old are you?
    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Black & Brown (Dark blond is my Natural Color)
    4. What state do you live in?
    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    Jack Russel
    6. What's your favorite color?
    Black and Red
    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    Seen the ZC game and I became attached to it
    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    Probably about 30minutes to an hour. Depends what I am doing.
    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    ZC, Megaman, Hero Online, W3, etc
    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?
    4 Piercings on my left ear.
    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significant other?
    No not married. And been single for like 3 weeks now lol
    12. Do you drink?
    Now and then
    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    Don't drive
    14. What's your favorite website?
    15. Have you ever broken a bone?
    16. What do you hate?
    Liars =/
    17. What do you love?
    My guitar :-P
    18. What's your favorite movie?
    Don't got one
    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    Eh guess my eyes
    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    Idk I'm comfortable with my body
    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    23. him or hate him?
    Don't care
    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    Don't care
    Discord: Deviance#9729

  2. #22
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?
    You can call me Grasshopper

    2. How old are you?
    Older than all but one who posted

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Light brown

    4. What state do you live in?

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    A dog

    6. What's your favorite color?

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    The same reason most people did. I wouldn't say I'm involved though, just bored.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    Hardly any at all. Only when I'm bored at work.

    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    Currently playing Bioshock and World of Warcraft

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?
    No and No

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?
    No and No

    12. Do you drink?
    Yes, I drink; and surprisingly, I also eat. *gasp*
    No, I do not drink.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    Yes, I drive people crazy.

    14. What's your favorite website?
    I don't have a favorite website.

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?
    Only bones from previously cooked animals.

    16. What do you hate?
    I hate what I don't love.

    17. What do you love?
    I love what I don't hate.

    18. What's your favorite movie?
    Tie between Shawshank Redemption and A Few Good Men.

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    LOST and Heroes

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    I don't really care to like any part of my body.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    It's my body though so I don't really hate it.

    22. How many people live in your house right now?

    23. him or hate him?
    The early seasons were good.

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    I'm not sure I even like the Dukes of Hazzard

  3. #23
    Patra Beldaran's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?


    2. How old are you?


    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?

    Brown, brown

    4. What state do you live in?


    5. Do you have pets? What kind?

    I had pets (cats and dogs) all through my life growing up. As I live in an apartment right now, I do not have pets. My fiancee and I plan on getting dogs when we have a house.

    6. What's your favorite color?

    Blue, black, gray, white

    7. What got you involved in AGN?

    Riverman (my friend Doug) showed me Zelda Classic in 2001. I started posting at the forums. AGN has been the only forum I have ever posted at consistently. I have no idea why.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?

    10-15 minutes. Maybe 20 if there's lots of threads going or I'm writing a substantive reply.

    9. What video or computer games do you play?

    Right now I'm really into Open Transport Tycoon. It's free, so everyone should get it and have fun. I love DOOM via the Doomsday Engine (very awesome). My favorite RPG of all time is Chrono Trigger. It's just the most ultimate game. Beautiful music, epic story, lovable characters, evil villains. ahhh, those were the days. Max Payne is one of my favorite games of all time. It was the first game to have slow motion gun fighting, so that rocked. I was really addicted to Diablo II back in the day. I spent a summer addicted to Counter Strike. I used to be obsessed with the X-Wing and Tie-Fighter games. Believe it or not, I actually like sports games too. I love point and click adventures like Quest for Glory, Day of the Tentacle, Police Quest, and Sam and Max. I also enjoy simulations like Silent Hunter III, Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, etc. I like lots of different games.

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?

    Paying money to let someone stab you fails to compute. Tattoos are cool, but I'm afraid of getting hepatitis from a needle.

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?

    I'm engaged to a girl named Allison who plays drums and is fun to be around.

    12. Do you drink?

    I generally do not drink, however I do like getting a little buzzed if I'm playing a rock concert because I tend to be more creative on the guitar. (less thinking, more soul and feeling). I have only been seriously drunk twice in my life. One time I got so drunk I took a shit in my bathtub, vomited on my bed and then blacked out. I woke up the next day with literally no memory whatsoever what happened. I was laying naked in my dried vomit, with shit smeared all over my ass, and there was a turd in the bathtub. I was really confused. My band-mates at the time thought it was hilarious.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

    I drive a nondescript red Chevy S-10 pickup with a matching red canopy.

    14. What's your favorite website?

    Probably Google. Anything I could possibly want to learn is at my fingertips.

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?

    I fractured my left ring finger in high school by smacking it on a wall on accident. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to play guitar any more, but it healed.

    16. What do you hate?

    Sandwiches made out of boogers. Also, mysticism, ignorance, and stupidity.

    17. What do you love?

    music, hot naked women, science, math, software engineering

    18. What's your favorite movie?

    Too many, so I'll just drop a few of my favs. Grandma's Boy, Office Space, Star Wars series, Star Trek series, Terminator series, The Matrix (only the first one), StarTrek: First Contact (worthy of its own mention), Jet Li's Fearless, Rocky I, II, IV, and VI, Apollo 13, Lord of the Rings

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?

    Real Time with Bill Maher, Entourage, Futurama (seen them all), Family Guy (seen them all)

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?

    My brain and my penis.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?

    My forehead.

    22. How many people live in your house right now?

    Just me.

    23. him or hate him?

    MacGyver rocks.

    24. Daisy her or hate her?

    I hate her, but I really want to have sex with her. I'm complicated like that.

  4. #24
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Black, Black

    4. What state do you live in?
    No State

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    A ratdog

    6. What's your favorite color?

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    I can't remember.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    Really none anymore, everyone fun got banned.

    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    MaME emulator on my Xbox if anything

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?
    yes (6), nope.

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?
    No and Yes

    12. Do you drink?
    Sometimes but only at home cause bad shit happens when i drink elsewhere.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    03 Lincoln Navigator, sold my honda.

    14. What's your favorite website?
    Who knows, when im bored its Bash.

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?
    yes, poor hands...

    16. What do you hate?
    Alot of things, much too vague of a question.

    17. What do you love?
    My truck and my Ratdog

    18. What's your favorite movie?

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    None, never really watch tv

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    What a stupid question, I play with my dick the most so it is hah!

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    The part that hurts.

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    2 1/2

    23. him or hate him?

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    Sucked, rest of the show was cool though she just annoyed me.

  5. #25
    Patra Beldaran's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    Quote Originally Posted by Verman View Post

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    2 1/2

  6. #26
    Wizrobe The_Amaster's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name? Alex

    2. How old are you? 16

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color? Deep brown, deep brown

    4. What state do you live in? Wisconsin

    5. Do you have pets? What kind? Yes, two dogs, a cat and six-ish fish.

    6. What's your favorite color? Green all the way man.

    7. What got you involved in AGN? Back during my maniac game-creation resource phase I stumbled upon ZC. Asked a few questions, then went away for a few months/maybe over a year(can't recall) until I found ZC again in some folder on my harddrive, remembered how awesome it was, and came back to post outside just the ZQuest help section.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN? Eh, half an hour to an hour each day.

    9. What video or computer games do you play? Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Geneforge, oh, geez, the list goes on and on.

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos? No

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significant other? Possibly, hope to soon.

    12. Do you drink? No

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive? No

    14. What's your favorite website? Honestly? Here.

    15. Have you ever broken a bone? Yeah, my arm when I was seven. Broken and twisted at the same time.(Stupid brother. Stupid %$&*@ tree)

    16. What do you hate? People who just don't care about learning anything new and screw it up for the rest of us.

    17. What do you love? Good literature.

    18. What's your favorite movie? Galaxy Quest

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss? Everybody Loves Raymond

    20. What's your favorite part of your body? My head.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body? I dunno.

    22. How many people live in your house right now? Five; my parents, my brother, my sister and me.

    23. him or hate him? Love him.

    24. Daisy her or hate her? ...who now?

  7. #27
    Patra vegeta1215's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    Belderan, your post gave me a good laugh. Hot naked women indeed And I agree, Chrono Trigger is awesome. I'd also put Super Metroid up in the same category of perfection.

    I'll try to post my stuff soon.

  8. #28
    Lynel Majora's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Black, Black

    4. What state do you live in?

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    Dog, Chihuahua; 2 Parakeets

    6. What's your favorite color?
    This one

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    Zelda Classic

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    I dunno... I usually keep a browser tab open to AGN.

    9. What video or computer games do you play?

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?
    No, No

    12. Do you drink?

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    No, but I would like to drive a Mustang

    14. What's your favorite website?
    Anything with porn Seriously though, I have many favorites, PureZC, AGN, YouTube, MySpace,, the list goes on.

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?

    16. What do you hate?
    I'd rather not say, lest I offend someone... Well... I hate everything. I am pessimistic, to the MAX

    17. What do you love?
    Nothing really.

    18. What's your favorite movie?

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    Naruto, Family Guy, The Simpsons, and some others.

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    None :-/

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    Whole thing :-/

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    5 on my floor. 10 total, my house has 2 floors a basement and attic.

    23. him or hate him?
    Neither, never saw a show.

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    Hmm... I dunno

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    Re: Get To Know Me

    Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
    probably fostering wpo spawn.

  10. #30
    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name? Erick (yes, I have both c and k)

    2. How old are you? 26

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color? brown and brown

    4. What state do you live in? New York - where taxes are crazy

    5. Do you have pets? What kind? My parents have two dogs. I don't have any myself.

    6. What's your favorite color? Mainly green and blue

    7. What got you involved in AGN? As many did, I discovered ZC first. After needing help on a few quests, I finally joined and the rest is history.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN? Depends on how much everyone else has posted, then I end up reading for a while. I am sure less now that I am working more.

    9. What video or computer games do you play? Always have been a big fan of the Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros., etc. Wii is fun.

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos? None to both.

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significant other? I don't have a significant other so who knows. Life is one big mystery.

    12. Do you drink? Happy hour on Friday. Seriously. But that's really about it.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive? Yes. I have a 2002 Hyundai Accent. Yeah, it's small, but I am still getting 30-32 mpg on it, which is why I bought it in the first place.

    14. What's your favorite website? Well I am obviously here a lot... is always a fun and interesting read, and who could forget about Maddox...

    15. Have you ever broken a bone? I sort of bent my wrist, like a sapling. I was too young (4 or 5) and it didn't break, so I did have to wear a cast for a while.

    16. What do you hate? People who don't open themselves to anything new, ever.

    17. What do you love? My job on most days.

    18. What's your favorite movie? Office Space, Team America, several others....

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss? Family Guy, The Simspons, South Park

    20. What's your favorite part of your body? I remember a lot of small details, so my brain I guess.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body? I have no clue.

    22. How many people live in your house right now? I am on my own here, so just me!

    23. him or hate him? I am called that at work because I have done things like fix broken USB drives, so love it!

    24. Daisy her or hate her? Well there is a fun bar out here called Daisy Dukes with a mechanical bull. Does that count?

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.