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Thread: Get To Know Me

  1. #41
    Certainly they existed... AlexMax's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Albino White

    4. What state do you live in?

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?

    6. What's your favorite color?

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    Zelda Classic, an age and a half ago

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    Very little, probably less than 15 minutes if at all unless there's an interesting thread going on (rare).

    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    Competative deathmatch games (Warsow, Quake 3 Arena)

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?
    Nope. Can't arse myself to play the phony game.

    12. Do you drink?
    Yes. Beer and liquor.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    Nope. Vision and all that.

    14. What's your favorite website?
    I have three that I check almost every day, in order from most to least favorite: Something Awful, Warsow and Digg

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?
    Nope. I take good care of myself.

    16. What do you hate?
    Self-reightious people who have opinions they got off of Fox News.

    17. What do you love?
    My family, my friends.

    18. What's your favorite movie?
    I don't watch movies, but the last one I saw was the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie and it was pretty funny.

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    I don't tend to watch TV shows, but I do watch the occational episode of House, mainly because the titular charactor is an intellectual asshole who can get away with it...most of the time.

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    The inside of my head. The human brain is something amazing and something so many of us waste.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    The back of my head. Occationally I'll get headaches and they feel like I'm getting hit in said place with a sledgehammer.

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    Four, including me.

    23. him or hate him?

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    Hate her along with the rest of the cast. The Dukes of Hazzard glorifies redneck culture, and said culture is one that can't collectively OD on meth soon enough.

  2. #42
    Lynel {DSG}DarkRaven's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Brown and brown. I've never colored it.

    4. What state do you live in?
    Michigan, currently known as the Crap State.

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    Seven birds, all doves, some of which we've raised (once they figured out how to stop making omelets). Some typical tank fish, and also about a dozen rabbits that my sister has been raising for show for the last few years.

    6. What's your favorite color?
    Blue. It was green when I was young, up until the point that I got Mega Man 2 for the NES. True story.

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    Zelda Classic.

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    Depends on how active the forums are, but I can easily spend an hour responding to threads if there are other people active at the same time.

    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    Lots. I own a DS and Cube, and I spend hours a day on my PC. I'll play anything from Warcraft to Deus Ex, Tetris to Pikmin, Metroid to Ghost Recon, Myst to Rollercoaster Tycoon. Pretty much anything I can run.

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?
    None whatsoever.

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significant other?
    Not married, not planning (yet). Currently single. I've never really had what I would call a good relationship, so my my standards are still reasonably low, ladies!

    12. Do you drink?
    Water. And juice.

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    I drive a '99 Dodge Neon, which gets great mileage, but lacks functional A/C.

    14. What's your favorite website?
    Somethingawful and Urban Dead

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?

    16. What do you hate?
    Vowels! They must be destroyed.

    17. What do you love?
    Stealing wi-fi with my PDA phone. I'm such a geek.

    18. What's your favorite movie?
    Can anyone really go wrong by saying the original Star Wars trilogy? No.

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    Lost, Heroes, House, and CSI.

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    My insides, because gooey stuff is awesome.

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    I'm double-jointed, and my knees get sore because of the way I stand.

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    Four. Parents and my little sister.

    23. him or hate him?
    Richard Dean Anderson is the man.

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    I never watched the dukes of hazzard, but as far as I've ever known, she's just a sex object. And if that's all someone cares about, she's probably just as good as any other.

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  3. #43
    Wizrobe rock_nog's Avatar
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    Re: Get To Know Me

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What's your current hair color? What's your natural hair color?
    Purple (well, not technically natural, but that'd the color I'd keep it if the real world weren't so uptight about professionalism)

    4. What state do you live in?

    5. Do you have pets? What kind?
    None of my own

    6. What's your favorite color?
    Purple (if you couldn't guess from above)

    7. What got you involved in AGN?
    Duh, Zelda

    8. How much time a day do you spend on AGN?
    I dunno, sometimes none, sometimes a couple of hours

    9. What video or computer games do you play?
    FPSs, Mario, Guitar Hero, Katamari, Metroid/Castlevania

    10. Do you have any piercings? Tattoos?

    11. Are you married or planning to get married? Do you have a significan other?
    Not at the moment, sadly

    12. Do you drink?
    Hells yeah, but I'm not as think as you drunk I am (that's actually a drunken-me quote)

    13. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    Nope - been living in Saint Paul for several years, and I like public transportation

    14. What's your favorite website?

    15. Have you ever broken a bone?
    Not that I'm aware of - might've broken a toe or a finger at some point, who knows?

    16. What do you hate?
    Idiots, morons, selfish greedy jerks, hypocrites

    17. What do you love?

    18. What's your favorite movie?
    Evil Dead 2

    19. What tv show(s) do you try not to miss?
    Simpsons, Eureka

    20. What's your favorite part of your body?
    My brain (despite what my drinking would imply)

    21. What's your least favorite part of your body?
    Apparently, my liver (actually, my feet)

    22. How many people live in your house right now?
    8 - my parents, me, four of my sisters, and my brother (I just moved across the country, and I'll probably have an apartment with one of my sisters by the end of the month)

    23. him or hate him?
    Freakin' genius

    24. Daisy her or hate her?
    Eh, whatever
    The artist formally known as macweirdo42, formally known as weirdguy (it's a long, uninteresting story).

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