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Thread: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

  1. #21
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    I wish I had a gameboy when I was a kid. I had to ammuse myself by drawing stick figures on those 3x5 cards with those crappy unsharpened pencils they had....

    "all atheists are jerks".
    This is just not true. I believe religion has advanced a bit in a decade or two, so maybe if you payed attention you'd learn how to cast lv1 magic spells....
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

  2. #22
    Patra AtmaWeapon's Avatar
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Eh it's not worth a wall of words to discuss this; you put forth a laughable effort at debate and frankly I've seen more logical arguments from people that think the reptilians are in control so I don't see why I should lay a bed of logic down.

    I never asserted that my observation was a scientific fact. I stated that I have observed this relationship, and I would like to find a contradiction.

    Some people attend engineering colleges for engineering degrees. You attend the largest Baptist university in the world, but obviously there are compelling reasons because any time someone questions your choice you are quick to state you had a good reason.

    You hate religion. You attend the largest Baptist university in the world. Obviously there's some reason for this because any time someone points this out you get incensed and point out you had very good reasons for joining an institution that is fundamentally against your worldview.

    You constructed a straw man argument and attacked fanatical Christians who believe their "rebirth" makes them special. That's great, I agree they are worthy of contempt. For this attack to hold, you must show that I have asserted I am superior to you because of my religion, and you will not find this. Instead I assert I am superior to you because I can admit when I am wrong and avoid using fallacies to make a point*.

    The lady was being a jerk and I think you had the right to assert your right to play game boy during the service, particularly since you had the volume muted. However, you handled the situation with a lack of tact then rushed home to brag to all your nerd friends about having a backbone in a situation where you were really at no risk. You made a crucial error in your nerd fantasy though:

    Once your anonymity was threatened, all trace of a backbone disappeared. If she caught hold of your ID, suddenly she might be able to do something about you. There have been plenty of people in similar situations in the past, but Rosa Parks didn't duck out a side door and Linda McCorvey didn't give in to the notion that anyone had the right to force her to bear her unborn child. Instead of facing a situation that might escalate into a case that questions how much a private institution can force its students to be immersed in religious activity, brave Sir Robin bravely ran away.

    Then you rushed to the internet forums to gain the admiration of your peers for being strong when you are safe and weak when you are threatened.

    Anonymous, you showed your true colors today. What's your plan for when she's looking for you the next time you attend chapel? I suggest a mask or perhaps you should pretend to be a Muslim and wear a large turban.

    *I have, quite frequently, resorted to ad hominem and several other fallacies (in fact I end on that note in this post). I do my best to make it clear when I am attempting to logically prove a point and when I am informally attacking you or your beliefs. Additionally, if you would ever call me out on a specific fallacy I would admit it was a fallacy and point out that I stated as such. You, on the other hand, appear to believe you are above using valid and sound logic to debate. A curious characteristic in a scientist indeed.

    *edit* Also while we are discussing primitive rituals, what do you think man believed before he came up with the concept of deities? That's right, I am proposing that atheism predates religion. It was invented before man had language to express concepts such as "sun" and "spirit". Many cultures that have been largely unaffected by modern civilization still have very basic spiritual beliefs that refuse to acknowledge any form of deity. This suggests that before formal religion, there was no religion. Since you seem to support the notion that anything primitive is inferior, where does that put you and your beliefs?

  3. #23
    Glenn the Great

    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    This is just not true. I believe religion has advanced a bit in a decade or two, so maybe if you payed attention you'd learn how to cast lv1 magic spells....

    If I could go to Church and learn a Lvl1 magic skill, you wouldn't have to ask me to know where I'd be on Sunday morning.

  4. #24
    Patra AtmaWeapon's Avatar
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn the Great View Post
    If I could go to Church and learn a Lvl1 magic skill, you wouldn't have to ask me to know where I'd be on Sunday morning.
    Wherever you go to learn Lvl2 spells? Seriously all you need is Magic Missile it shouldn't take too many Sundays, and it gets better as you level!

  5. #25
    Certainly they existed... AlexMax's Avatar
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    Once your anonymity was threatened, all trace of a backbone disappeared. If she caught hold of your ID, suddenly she might be able to do something about you. There have been plenty of people in similar situations in the past, but Rosa Parks didn't duck out a side door and Linda McCorvey didn't give in to the notion that anyone had the right to force her to bear her unborn child. Instead of facing a situation that might escalate into a case that questions how much a private institution can force its students to be immersed in religious activity, brave Sir Robin bravely ran away.
    Are you seriously trying to put him down for doing the smart thing in this particular situation? He specificly did not want to make a ringamarole out of the situation, but at the same time knew his rights and called her bluff. He was also smart enough to outwit the possible wrath of said vindictive woman. And he also knows that he's probably not going to get any sympathy from the administration, and probably doesn't have the financial resources to escelate it any higher. Ever heard of picking your battles? And do you honestly expect every athiest who chronicles his epxeriences to be the next Rosa Parks? I say that he played his cards right.

    Like you mention later, there is a very real possability that Mistress Morbidly Obese will be back next time with backup. He'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    *edit* Also while we are discussing primitive rituals, what do you think man believed before he came up with the concept of deities? That's right, I am proposing that atheism predates religion. It was invented before man had language to express concepts such as "sun" and "spirit". Many cultures that have been largely unaffected by modern civilization still have very basic spiritual beliefs that refuse to acknowledge any form of deity. This suggests that before formal religion, there was no religion. Since you seem to support the notion that anything primitive is inferior, where does that put you and your beliefs?
    Come on Atma, you can do better than this. I highly doubt that Bel's reasons for disliking christianity stem from how old it is.

  6. #26
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    Wherever you go to learn Lvl2 spells? Seriously all you need is Magic Missile it shouldn't take too many Sundays, and it gets better as you level!
    I have a level 45 Mr.T clone who can wield a Quantum Umbrella. Needless to say, it'll come back around when the dimensional moderators find out.

    On subject, I think that this debate is giving me a raging clue. The clue is that power is ascertained through study.

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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    you either like snow or you like Christianity, you can't have both

  8. #28
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilith View Post
    you either like snow or you like Christianity, you can't have both
    >_> You can if you're Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by phattonez
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    I believe if Jesus were in there he'd probably give you a stern look but thank you afterwards for at least keeping the volume down. Then you guys could form a rock band! Normally band names that are too long fail but I'm thinking "Beldaran and his Mystical Pal who May Not Even Exist" would do.
    I seriously lol'd here.

    I'm going to link my dawkins-trolling pals to this thread as it's quintessential Beldar"I'm attending a Baptist school with a bunch of fat trogs in Texas/all religions are stupid"an. These views on ALL RELIGION sound suspiciously like views on Baptist Christianity's ~* TRIBAL PARADIGMS *~

    also happy rosh hashanah

  10. #30
    Lynel Modus Ponens's Avatar
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    Re: The Story of the Woman With No Authority

    Quote Originally Posted by phattonez View Post
    Bel, this thread was fine without out your opinion on religion, did you really have to force it to go down this road?
    Honestly, now, the topic of the thread is how Beldaran plays his GBA in chapel because he doesn't believe in it. Are you really saying that he forced his own thread in a direction that it clearly was already headed?

    Bel, I think you might consider a little patience with religious folk. If you had put your GBA away and toughed it out for the rest of the session, and then talked to her calmly and quietly in private when it was over, it might have been better for everyone. (Not that I don't love to picture this scenario, because I totally agree with you on where you're coming from. I would be playing my GBA too. [Actually I'd probably be playing my DS.])
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